Denial is my coping mechanism and it works for me
When big changes happen, like people leaving or like people you’ve worked with for over a year leaving, I tend to remain steadfastly in denial until the last minute, until I absolutely have to accept it and transition from ignoring their imminent absence to missing them horribly.
Sigh. The time is now.
Madison’s last day is Friday, November 11, and I’m already missing her. You know how you don’t fully appreciate something or someone until it’s gone or they’re gone? She’s not gone yet, but she will be very soon.
It’s all her fault I’m feeling this way, all her fault for being such a loveable little schmuck who never says an unkind word, listens to constructive criticism without taking it personally, is always willing to take on any task needed and offers everyone she meets a smile and unconditional acceptance. What a jerk, right?
She has come so far from the meek but brilliant creative writer she was when she started. Now, she can spot an Oxford comma from a mile away and knows how to write a punny headline, which is gold to me. She no longer uses TOO MANY WORDS and writes like a reporter rather than an author.
She’s been my pal, my companion on a spooky sojourn to the Shawnee, my co-award winner, both for the written word and the painted pumpkin and the most reliable little fetus (I love to call her that because she’s so young compared to me) a boss could ever hope to boss around.
She gets along with everybody, has a soft heart for animals and does all of the Facebook stuff that I abhor doing. She created a poll for the paper and revamped the entertainment page, all on her own.
All of that AND her desk is always annoyingly tidy, unlike the paper tsunami that generally decorates mine.
My consolation is that moving forward I will be working with Savannah Boone. Yes, THE Savannah Boone, who I have always wanted to hire and who dashed my dreams when she gave up journalism after getting her degree in order to go to nursing school.
She would make an excellent nurse, I acknowledge that, but I am so thankful she decided it wasn’t her cup of tea after all. She’s a wonderful addition to the team, and I see greatness in her future in journalism.
But back to my tragedy.
I’ll miss you, Madison, I truly will. I wish you success, I wish you love and I wish you happiness. Being the YOU that you are, I know you’ll find all three right around the next corner of your life. Happy trails, Cupcake.
Patti is the editor of the Greene County Daily World. She loves kitty-cats, chocolate anything and watching X-Files
or the Walking Dead. If you would like to share a story (or some chocolate) or just make a friend, she can be reached at
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