Former Worthington principal did what was good for kids

Friday, January 26, 2007

Monday we lost a very special friend. Larry Joe Catron passed away in a Louisville Hospital. Larry was 63 years old. He retired as principal of Worthington Elementary in 1999 where he had served for 23 years

Larry was stricken with a spinal disease that put him in a wheel chair for most of his career at Worthington. Larry always hosted an elementary tournament at Worthington that lasted all day and coaches, players and fans always had a great time.

Larry never let the fact he was in a wheel chair keep him from being a great elementary principal. Larry said he liked the fact he could see eye to eye with his students. Larry Catron wasn't about ISTEP scores and trophies. He was about what's good for the kids. He was a great teacher, coach and principal, but a much better person.

I received this letter from Steve Jean of WRV. I think he makes some very good points for all parents of all teams:

As a former coach, parent, and now a fan and grandparent, I see a great potential for the Lady Wolverines basketball team.

I know first hand the challenges that our head coach, Joe Pigg, has to deal with.

This team can develop into one of the best teams WRV has ever had, but, they need the backing of all our fans, and especially the parents and students.

You as parents should not be concerned because your daughter does not always start or doesn't score the most points or sometimes gets taken out of the game. You as parents need to encourage your daughter to first, listen to the coach and do what he has them practicing and apply what they practice in a game situation.

Not all players are going to start.

Not all players are going to be the leading scorer every game.

Most of the parents have never coached a team and some of the parents have never played the game.

So, don't discourage your daughters and don't criticize the coach, but all parents, students, fans, and grandparents get behind this team and support them.

Good things can and will happen if you give them a chance.

A WRV fan,

Steve Jean

Has anyone besides me already tired of hearing about the African-American coaches in the Super Bowl? I bet they're even tired about it.

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