Ready to tee off: New Bloomfield indoor minature golf course set to open Saturday

Wednesday, December 5, 2007
By Anna Rochelle THE PUTTING GREENE: Owners Rick Wade and Doug Miller practice on their new indoor year-round 18-hole miniature golf course before opening day this Saturday. The course is surrounded by tropical ocean murals designed and painted over several evenings by volunteer junior high students from the Bloomfield School Art Club. The Putting Greene is located in the old H & H Ford Building, just south of the Post Office, one-half block north of the courthouse in Bloomfield.

There's something new to do in Greene County this winter -- play miniature golf indoors at The Putting Greene in Bloomfield.

Opening day will be Saturday from noon until 11 p.m.

The 18-hole course, surrounded by colorful tropical murals of palm trees and ocean sunsets, offers an activity for all ages in a cheery retreat from cold, dreary weather. The murals were painted by junior high Art Club students from Bloomfield Schools.

The Putting Greene is the brainchild of owners Doug Miller and Rick Wade, who both work full-time for the Town of Bloomfield in the Street and Sanitation Department. They were out on the job, talking about what there was to do in Bloomfield when they came up with the idea.

"We just want to give people something to do, something for families to do together, that doesn't involve driving to Bloomington or Terre Haute," said Wade.

They located a suitable building, the old H & H Ford building on the south side of the Bloomfield Post Office, and applied for a low-interest business loan from the Town of Bloomfield's Department of Commerce funds. The Town Council approved unanimously and the work began in late October.

"We've knocked down some walls and put other walls up. We've patched and cleaned and painted everything from top to bottom," said Miller. "We'd get off work at 4, and then work here until midnight."

The pre-fabricated course, made with treated lumber that's guaranteed for 10 years in an outdoor setting, is complete with roughs, sand and water traps, slopes, turns and twists, and several moving obstacles.

"It's a good course. Several of these greens are considered pro-putter holes, so the course is suitable for league play and for holding tournaments," said Miller. "We can also change the location of the holes."

When it arrived by semi-truck on Sunday, 16 people showed up to help Wade and Miller unload the truck, carry it in and set up the course -- a testament to the community support for this new venture.

"We want to thank everyone who's been involved in this," said Miller, "including our families and friends who have put up with a lot, and Gary Swinney for all his help and encouragement. He was even here to help unload."

Others who deserve a thank you include Bobby Hughes who removed a lot of trash and contributed materials, Steve Mitchell and sons of the Dairy Queen who helped out and donated chairs, Mark Corwin, Steve Jones, John Hardesty and Pamida, Ace Hardware and the D&R Paint Store who all contributed.

The Putting Greene will be a non-smoking facility where an adult will always be present.

"You've got to behave while you're here," said Miller.

Basic rules will include no horseplay, no hitting, no fighting, no alcohol and no profanity.

"We want to keep it a well-mannered place," said Wade, "or they will be escorted out the door."

The course is located in the back of the building with a viewing area to watch others play. Parents and community members are welcome to come in anytime to see what's going on.

Arcade games will be located in the front of the building, along with a snack area serving hot dogs, chips and soft drinks.

The cost to play a round of golf will be $5 for those 11-years-old and older; $4 for those five to 10-years old; and free for those 4-years-old and under.

Regular hours will be Monday through Thursday, 5-9:30 p.m.; Friday, 5-11 p.m.; Saturday, 12-11 p.m.; and Sunday, 12-9:30 p.m. A Grand Opening Celebration will be held on a later date. The entire building is heated and air-conditioned and will be open year-round.

The Putting Greene is located at 33 N. Washington St., one-half block north of the courthouse in Bloomfield.

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  • Congrats guys, for helping the local area for the kids and older as well.

    -- Posted by Roneb on Thu, Dec 6, 2007, at 6:00 AM
  • Thanks Rick & Doug! We look forward to supporting you! Take care of this Bloomfield!

    -- Posted by caring mom on Fri, Dec 7, 2007, at 8:57 AM
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