Reprimanded police officer also suspended as WRV bus driver

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Worthington man, who was reprimanded last month on his job as a police officer, was also suspended from his job as a school bus driver in the White River Valley School District -- effective until the next meeting of the school's board of trustees.

Last month, Eric Floyd was cited for two class C infractions involving two females (aged 19 and 20) who were in possession of alcohol at his residence during off-duty hours on Nov. 2. He was placed on suspension without pay for two weeks, lost one week's vacation time and placed on probation for one year in connection with his job at the Worthington Police Department.

He has since returned to work and a town official has stated no further action against Floyd is expected by the council.

In connection with Floyd's job as a bus driver, White River Valley Superintendent Layton Wall issued the following statement for the board regarding the board's position on Floyd's suspension from driving:

"The board of trustees and administration of White River Valley School District are aware of the charges concerning Eric Floyd. Three generations of Floyds have driven for our district and we have always enjoyed our relationship with them. However, at this time, the White River Valley School Board has suspended Mr. Floyd from driving for the district. The suspension began upon hearing of the incident on Wednesday, November 21, 2007. The suspension will continue through December 13 at which time the board will consider what course of action to take for the best interest of the corporation."

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  • I think it would be in the best interest of the school district to concern themselves with other matters. This incident doesn't have anything to do with Floyds driving ability so why are they passing judgement??? This board of trustees needs to use common sense, not lynch mob mentality.

    -- Posted by charles on Wed, Dec 5, 2007, at 8:49 PM
  • omg. Give the guy a break. He's already been punished by the council, not to mention what the judge is going to hand him. The minors weren't children for crying out loud, they were adult women.

    -- Posted by anon on Wed, Dec 5, 2007, at 10:08 PM
  • The LAW is what we are looking at, NOT what we want it to say. He did not get what anyone else would have gotten. The favor has already been done for him. The girls were UNDERAGE for drinking. Maybe he shouldn't be allowed to drive the bus.

    -- Posted by Jonboy on Thu, Dec 6, 2007, at 8:09 AM
  • This was my son's bus driver, he was a good bus driver, and a good confidant and mediator for those kids. Although I am terribly disapointed in the decision he made, as a mother of a 14 year old boy, I have to say that the mother's of those girls might want to step up and take some responsibility for this. A simple look around the crowd of kids at any hang out can show you that you can't tell the difference anymore between 16 and 21....these girls he "provided" alcohol to were over 18. The girls today look, dress, and act entirely too 'adult' and one has to wonder who is buying their clothes and encouraging the behavior. But that's a whole other subject. BRING BACK ERIC, the kids hate the new driver!

    -- Posted by legaleagle on Thu, Dec 6, 2007, at 8:51 AM
  • the school should worrie about what the teachers do more than the bus drivers mr wall knows what im talking about

    -- Posted by oldman on Thu, Dec 6, 2007, at 10:52 AM
  • Is this the first bus driver, teacher or board of trustees and administration ever to be cited for anything? Or the first to be brought to light? If this is the first, wow you have an outstanding record with the years this school has under it's belt.

    Does the light of his mistake warrant all this?

    -- Posted by ljg47 on Thu, Dec 6, 2007, at 3:59 PM
  • Come on WRV school board, get real. Concern yourselves with things that really matter. Your top priority is to furnish the students of WRV with quality, deserving, and appropriately educated teachers. Sometimes your focus strays from what is really important. (ie. sports vs. everything else.)Maybe your curriculum should address some of the social issues that are present today. Stress the effects and consequences of drinking and drugs; It is a problem everywhere, not just in Worthington. Students in your school, both past and present, are not immune to underage drinking. I am aware of a few WRV "stars" that, on more than one occassion, exercised their needs and desires to consume alcoholic beverages.

    Prioritize your issues!

    -- Posted by tommyboy on Thu, Dec 6, 2007, at 4:54 PM
  • For what is best for the corporation,give me a break, as a parent I say he should not be trusted to have the lives of our children in his hands as a bus driver when he is providing alcohol to under age kids. Come on people wake up!!!!!!

    -- Posted by markcope on Thu, Dec 6, 2007, at 8:28 PM
  • This is why some people have little or no respect for law enforcement. I believe as a police officer you carry some responsibility to be a sort of role model to the community. They chose to take this position and whereas it is their job, this job puts them in a more responsible position. How can a police officer be doing his/her job when they are arresting people for things they are doing themselves.

    -- Posted by indianagirl2008 on Fri, Dec 7, 2007, at 6:49 AM
  • The board has been known to make foolish choices. Take into account who they chose to be boys varsity coach when they had a ten year experienced assistant coach and trusted teacher at their fingertips. It is all politics.

    -- Posted by publiceye on Tue, Dec 11, 2007, at 6:09 PM
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