SOUL group speading holiday cheer to pair of local families

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A local grassroots group is once again spreading the Christmas cheer with its adopt-a-family Christmas program.

SOUL (Society of Unconditional Love) has kicked-off its Christmas campaign with the adoption of two local families who are in need of financial assistance this holiday season.

SOUL Organizer Patti Danner explained, "We have a family chosen in the Linton area. They are a family of four. The mother has medical issues and there is no father."

Martha Utterback, her daughters, ages 11 and 20, and her 16-year-old son were chosen after SOUL received a local request, explained Shelly Puckett, SOUL member.

"This family was suggested by other teenagers that know the boy," Puckett explained. "They said that he is a sweet kid and they really wanted to help him and his family out."

The oldest daughter is living at home to assist her mother -- who has some medical issues, Danner noted.

"The kids are older but they are really in need," she said, noting that clothing, toys and a meal will now be a part of the family's Christmas.

"We know they need quite a bit," Danner added.

SOUL is currently accepting gift card donations to help assist the family, Puckett said.

"Gift cards from Wal- Mart or Goody's, that would help out a lot," Puckett said. "It's hard to shop for older kids and this way they can get what they want."

SOUL will also provide Christmas presents to a 10-year-old boy who lives in Bloomfield, Danner said.

"It will be a surprise with the Bloomfield boy. Santa will surprise him," she added, noting that two very generous donations have already been received for this project.

Last year, SOUL kicked-off its Christmas program by adopting one Linton family, she noted. The program was well-received by its members and highly successful.

"The trouble was it was a kind of novelty (last year). This year not as many people are showing up to meetings," she stressed, noting the group is in need of continued community involvement.

If possible the group also hopes to spread some holiday cheer to a family in Jasonville, Danner added.

"If anything is leftover we hope to help the Deb Cox family in Jasonville," she explained, noting the family is a recent recipient of a Habitat Home for Humanity.

Some SOUL members recently developed a friendship with the family after taking Cox's daughters on a back-to-school shopping spree in August.

"We made friends with them," Danner said.

SOUL meets at 5 p.m. the second Sunday of each month at Francisco de Borja (coffee house) on Main Street in Linton. The public is welcome to attend.

For further information or to donate a gift card contact Danner 847- 3481 or Puckett at 798-7125. Dec. 19 is the deadline for donations.

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