Remember this Midland team?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Contributed photo The 1954-55 Midland High School basketball team finished with a 14-4 record. Team members were (front, from left) Steve Talpas, Gordon Clark, Jerry Hawkins, Tom Worth; and (back, from left) manager Charles Spanger, Bill Mowery, Bruce Wall, Charles Orman, Dave Brasher, Alvin Clark, Geraold Stone, and Coach John McCrery.

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  • I do not remember this team, as it was before my time, but I do know a few of these men. One of them happens to be "A great man." That man is my uncle, and he is gone now, as so are a few of the others. It takes great people to make a great team, and these men were great men, so I am sure that it was a "GREAT TEAM."

    Wm. "Bruce" Wall was a great man, and is sadly missed. As well as others also.

    -- Posted by chiefsswife on Fri, Dec 7, 2007, at 4:02 PM
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