Letter to the Editor

Another campaign produces a lot of political blather

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

To the Editor:

The People's Porridge

Even a casual reader of the Bible will recall the story in Genesis about how Esau ceded his birthright for a bowl of soup. Being the first born he was heir apparent over his twin brother, Jacob. Being firstborn this right of birth was inalienable, that is to say it couldn't be taken away; in this case it was given away.

In 1776 the Continental Congress drafted what became a Declaration of Independence in which was declaring all people to be endowed by God with inalienable rights included ". . . Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

As usual, entering another presidential campaign, we are being inundated with a bunch of political blather and partisan crap.

As for "Life" many of the candidates favor the wholesale murder of innocent babies, which in many cases, is funded by taxpayer money. As for "the Pursuit of Happiness" many candidates promise happiness in the form of entitlement and subsidies too numerous to count. Guess who'll fund these.

"Liberty" -- we don't hear much about that. I guess we are willing to trade that for what will amount to be much less than a pot of porridge.

Tom Bailey
