Pre-Pride Days for large items only

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Linton Street Department is reminding locals that the scheduled Pre-Pride Day is for large item pick-up only.

From May 5-8, large items will be picked up by city employees and volunteers at no charge. Residents should place the items at the curbside for pick up prior to this time.

Linton's Street Department Supervisor Tim Turpen explained, "This is not Pride Day. Pride Day will be sometime in June."

Pick-up will be for items as small as a microwave to those as large as a household appliance, he noted. No piles of trash will be picked up.

"Work orders are still available at city hall," he added. "A lot of people wait to the last second to turn them in. We got a few (work orders) now," Turpen said.

This is the first time the Pre-Pride Day event has been held, he noted.

"It's to help Pride Day and for the people who want to spring clean," Turpen said.

Items such as refrigerators, freezers, microwaves, couches, beds and other such household appliances will be picked up, he noted.

"It helps the city ... and we'll give them (residents) a jump on spring cleaning," he said in a past interview. "We recycle the metal and Freon items. The rest will go to the landfill."

In order to have items picked up, residents need to fill out an itemized work order. Once the itemized work orders are completed, residents need to return them to city hall.

But you must live within the city limits in order to participate in the clean up event, Turpen stressed. Those with more than five items should contact the city barn at 847-4257.

Standing water which can accumulate in these large item appliances can be breeding grounds for mosquitos, he noted. So, getting rid of old, unused items is advised.

Volunteers are still needed for this event as well as the upcoming Pride Day -- which has yet to be set, he noted.

To volunteer contact Turpen at 847-4257.

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