Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce news

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Happy Spring! The Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce has been busy planning our coming events for the summer.

Our first event will be the annual yard sales which will be on June 7. Anyone interested in signing up can do so on our Web site or by filling out the registration that will be in the Greene County Daily World.

During the yard sales we will also be having a Business Expo On The Square. We welcome you to take this time to visit all the businesses in Bloomfield and by doing so, you can enter for a prize.

Further details to be provided at our members meeting, web site and the Greene County Daily World.

* Mark Your Calendars -- The monthly members meeting will be held today at the Pepperoni Grill. We will begin our meeting promptly at noon.

Please come by, have lunch and listen to our guest speaker, Nancy Cummings from Greene County Smoking Cessation Commission.

* Thank you Greene County for making our first ever Web site such a success! We are still "Under Construction" but we are constantly adding new things and please continue to check out the Web site.

* This month we are proud to announce that our Member-Of-The Month is UDWI/REMC in Bloomfield. From REMC's incorporation in April 1936 through 72 years of growth and service, Utilities District of Western Indiana has been in the business of improving the quality of life for its member-owners.

Much has changed in those years, but what has NOT changed is the cooperative's presence in the community as a viable business that cares about the people it serves.

Today, the REMC delivers electricity to more than 19,000 consumers in eleven counties. UDWI has added value to its core business of electricity. Both members and non-members can enjoy savings with long distance and Internet service through the cooperative. UDWI/REMC also offers water heaters, wire, security lights to its members at a minimal cost.

The goal of UDWI/REMC is the same today as it was over 70 years ago: to provide members with electricity, efficient services, while maintaining a financially healthy and rate competitive position in the industry through teamwork, mutual respect, and an ongoing commitment to members.

Congratulations! REMC for all your work in the Bloomfield community.

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