Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Please respect

the rules

To the Editor:

It is interesting to note how people that live in a community like Linton put their trust in other people. When we have a medical emergency, we call the ambulance, along with the EMTs. When we have a fire, we call the fire department. When there is a civic disturbance, we call the police. We go to the various stores and businesses for our daily needs. When we drive down the street, we trust that other motorists will observe traffic rules, just as they trust you to do the same. In a community like Linton, we enjoy peace and freedom, because we trust each other.

Every once in a while someone expresses their independence with an "I do it my way" attitude. This attitude often comes into conflict with the social rules that the rest of the community lives by. Then it is up to the administration to arbitrate the issue. That is the reason for city ordinances. These ordinances are calculated, discussed and voted on by our elected representatives. When they pass an ordinance, it is incumbent upon the citizens to respect these ordinances. May times this respect is not forth coming.

These ordinances have a two-fold purpose. First, it is a guideline for our civic conduct. Secondly, it is an instrument that empowers the mayor and his subordinates, to enforce these ordinances. Enforcing these ordinances may cause a hardship upon the violator. Doesn't it make sense to cooperate with your fellow citizens rather than face the consequences?

I believe it would be helpful to acquaint yourself with these ordinances. I did.

I will be sure to obey traffic laws, drive the speed limit, and observe traffic signs. I will not make any unnecessary loud noise nor will I do any open burning. Also, I will make sure that I pay my utility bill.

A person who cannot observe these few rules of conduct has no respect for their fellow man and also, has precious little self esteem.

Thanks for listening.

Robert M. Weyer


Thanks for supporting Jasonville

Thanks to all that helped make the festivities during Jasonville's week long 1858 - 2008 Sesquicentennial Celebration a success.

It has been a fun but interesting week for everyone. The Shakamak Area Chamber of Commerce deserves high recognition for sponsoring this event. The leadership and members worked very hard organizing this memorable occasion and I truly appreciate their effort.

This year has already brought many historical events to Jasonville. The water crisis, the baseball team's first state championship and now this celebration.

I'm sure there will be others has we continue to close out 2008. I pray that everyone who has helped make history in Jasonville this past week had an enjoyable time and will continue to support the community.

"God will bless us, all we have to do is be willing to serve."

Roy Terrell Sr.

Mayor of Jasonville