Volunteers needed to help hang flags in Bloomfield

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Who will volunteer to hang Old Glory for the town of Bloomfield?

Linda Pullen, the president of Bloomfield's Park Board, brought the issue to the forefront during Tuesday's town council meeting.

"Why aren't flags up in town on holidays?" she asked the town council.

Council Member Roger Doane said he was not sure of anyone in charge of this patriotic duty.

He then called for service organizations to step up to the plate.

"It would be a good service project," he added, noting that the Jaycees used to be in charge of the matter.

Boy Scouts could even volunteer to help display the American flags throughout town during the holidays, said Council Member Aaron Hamm.

On Wednesday, Hamm offered a few more details on the matter.

"It's been a while since they've (flags) been hung. I don't remember the last time they were hung," he said.

The flags would be displayed on posts in town, he added. It would be similar to Linton's downtown flag display.

Hamm is also not sure where the flags are stored.

But he is sure if they need replaced it shouldn't be a problem.

"We have some pretty patriotic people (in town). I don't think coming up with the money would be too hard," Hamm said.

Bloomfield Town Council President Jo Ann Carmichael was absent from the meeting -- Council Member Doane noted her absence was due to vacation.

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  • The town council where I live (Cicero) have the large flags that are put up from the East to the West end of town, accross Morse Lake, about every 20 feet, now that is an awesome look.

    I put up the 16" x 20" flags up every patriotic Holiday on the street I live -- I own over 200 flags. I place a flag every 6 steps up and down each side of the street, it is an awesome look. The best thing is not too many of the neighbors know who does it. I put them up by 6am and take them down at 6pm. If anybody wants pictures I can email them to you or the paper to post of the towns flags.

    -- Posted by gary g on Wed, Sep 3, 2008, at 7:24 PM
  • gary g ~ I would love to see pictures. Could we have your address so people can send you their e-mail to get pictures. Thank-you

    -- Posted by scoutmom on Thu, Sep 4, 2008, at 4:46 PM
  • The Boy Scouts in our town put the flags up on hoildays for the men of the American Legion. The flags are stored at the legion. It is a wonderful site to see the Boy Scouts in their uniforms putting up the flags. (We even have the local police directing traffic to keep the boys safe. Check with your local scout troop!!

    -- Posted by scoutmom on Thu, Sep 4, 2008, at 4:49 PM
  • Recently while in Loogootee, the street lights are beautiful. In addition, the streets of Linton are adorable with the hanging baskets (of which one of the store owners waters daily). Bloomfield really needs to step it up a notch.

    Make our hometown look great! But, that will take the work of everyone.... not ONE!

    -- Posted by Country Livin' on Thu, Sep 4, 2008, at 9:42 PM
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