Commissioners drop speed limit on Bolton Road
A new lower speed limit on a rural Linton roadway was approved Monday morning by the Greene County Commissioners.
The commissioners, by a 2-1 vote, will move ahead with dropping the speed limit from 55 mph to 35 mph on Bolton Road -- from State Road 59 east to County Road 1175W.
Commissioner Steve Lindsey voted against the motion -- saying he thought 35 mph on the road was "awful slow" considering there are already several stop signs along the straight roadway.
"It's too slow," he said.
Commissioners President Bart Beard and Kermit Holtsclaw favored the lower speed.
Holtsclaw said, "We know that on a normal county road, especially a secondary county road there is no way you should be doing 55 miles per hour. I have seen people running more than 60.
Beard agreed and said, "They (motorists) do run extremely fast on that road."
He also cited that there have been several serious vehicle accidents on the road in the past.
Greene County Highway Superintendent Mike Hennette informed the commissioners that a recent study of the road showed heavy traffic and more than a half dozen vehicles that were clocked at speeds exceeding 65 mph.
Hennette added, "There's a lot of people that live on that road. There's a lot of kids and there are school buses that go down it and I think 35 is fine."
In jesting, Holtsclaw asked who was going to patrol the roads and make sure this speed limited is enforced.
He pointed out, "Maybe we should just add some speed bumps on it."
The new speed limit will be effective after a notice of the change is published in the Greene County Daily World and signs are erected.
The commissioners also agreed to establish a four-way stop at the intersection of Bolton and Park roads (CR 300N and CR 1100W) in a effort to further slow down traffic.
Changing the speed limit on this heavily traveled had been discussed for more than year.
Last month, Bolton Road resident John Brazzel presented a petition to the commissioners that contained the names of 27 residents along the county road who favored reducing the speed limit for safety reasons.