Eastern Scrabble team gearing up for nationals

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Eastern Greene Scrabble Club is gearing up for its annual trip to the national competition at Providence, Rhode Island April 24-25.

Dinah Fuller, Scrabble sponsor, explained that prior to the trip the elementary hosted a pep session and a giant Scrabble match Monday.

"It's a nice opportunity for the student body to do something. It's (pep session) a well-rounded spirit builder," she said, noting that it is also an opportunity to introduce the game to younger students.

The giant 10 x 10 game board was set up in the school gym during the pep session, Fuller said. Teachers as well as students faced off in a giant match of Scrabble during the event.

When it comes to the national championship, this time around EG Middle School is sending an all girl team.

"We are wearing bright pink shirts. We're celebrating being an all girl team," Fuller said. "They just can't wait to wear them."

Fuller and the students will be accompanied by John Helling, Bloomfield Library director, and Matt Roberts.

"I feel safer traipsing all over the city with males and females," she added.

The group will leave at 2:30 a.m. on Thursday. They'll compete on April 24-25 and fly back April 26.

The group will also take in some sights while on the East Coast.

"We're not flying with the other Indiana team (St. John Lutheran) but we're sight-seeing with them and staying in same hotel," Fuller said.

And the EG girls are more than ready to compete.

"They truly have a love of the game although they are very competitive but the world is not going to burn if they don't win," Fuller added.

ESPN will once again cover the national event.

"It's the 100th anniversary for Scrabble. It's a big, big year and they're doing lots of special things because of that," she said.

The following EG students will compete at nationals:

* Eighth grader Chelsey Bailey and seventh grader, Savanna Spice.

* Seventh graders Peyton Gilliatt and Brittany Martin

* Seventh graders Tori Milhoan and Nicole Hudson

* Sixth grader Lynndsia Terrell is alternate

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  • I'm very proud to say that I'm a parent of one of these girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -- Posted by blin08 on Mon, Apr 20, 2009, at 6:28 PM
  • Eastern Greene County is truly privledged to have a teacher like Ms. Fuller. She has taken a game and utilized it so our children can futher their learning experiences. She has not only met but exceeded EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE.

    Hats off to the Scrabble Club. The students that have participated in and been members of the club over the past several years have always demonstrated themselves to be fine young men and women.

    -- Posted by sassy on Wed, Apr 22, 2009, at 3:03 PM
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