Worthington teen hurt in accident

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A 17-year-old driver was transported to Greene County General Hospital on Wednesday morning following a one-vehicle accident on a county road north of Switz City.

Taylor R. Kail of Worthington complained of pain to the head and chest and was treated on the scene by personnel from the Switz City Volunteer Fire Department and E-2 from the Greene County Ambulance Service.

No further information was available about the extent of Kail's injuries.

Kail was southbound in a 1999 Chevrolet four-door vehicle on County Road 600W south of CR 300N when a deer ran into the roadway and caused the accident.

Greene County Sheriff's Maj. Mike Hasler and Det. George Dallaire responded to the scene when the call came in at 8:02 a.m.

Kail reportedly swerved in an effort to avoid the deer but then the vehicle traveled through a drainage ditch and on into a farm field.

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  • i hope your doing better soon taylor.

    -- Posted by soccermom1722 on Wed, Apr 22, 2009, at 10:54 AM
  • Glad you are okay, TaylER! ((HUGS))

    -- Posted by WRVFan on Wed, Apr 22, 2009, at 5:37 PM
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