An Earth Day makeover: Bloomfield students clean up park

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
By Timberly Ferree PAINTING: Bloomfield Jr./Sr. High students painted, raked, cleaned out flower beds, picked up trash, mulched and more during the first Earth Day clean-up in the town park Wednesday. Sophomore Blake Kindred (above) helped spruce up a shelterhouse.

The Bloomfield Park recently received a bit of an Earth Day makeover thanks to the help of some local students.

Bloomfield Jr./Sr. High students painted, raked, cleaned out flower beds, picked up trash, mulched and more during the first Earth Day clean-up in the town park Wednesday.

Candi Lang, who teaches science and Project Lead the Way at Bloomfield Jr./Sr. High, provided the details.

"It's the first time for the project and it's went very well," she explained. "We've had the perfect weather. It couldn't have fallen on a better day."

The idea to spruce up the park on Earth Day came about after Lang contacted Linda Pullen, who serves as the president of the town park board.

"I called Linda (Pullen) and asked for a list of things to do. She obliged," Lang said. "They've (students) mulched, pulled weeds, cleaned shelterhouses, painted and primed."

Lang has hopes to do the project every year.

"The students, they've really surprised me. Some finished their jobs and took the initiative to do more," she said. "The students want to be out here."

As for Pullen, she was more than willing to accept the help.

"They've (students) been wonderful. I don't get this very often," she said, noting her hopes to make it an annual project.

Pullen was elated when she received the initial call from Lang.

"I said 'Thank you, Lord' when she mentioned she wanted to do an Earth Day project," Pullen added.

A tree dedication in honor of former Bloomfield Clerk/Treasurer Ida Wright is set for Saturday at 1 p.m. in the Bloomfield Town Park.

In May, flowers will be planted in the park.

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  • We did earth day in Jasonville today, my back and knee are still killing me! Good job Lakers

    -- Posted by jsiepman on Wed, Apr 22, 2009, at 7:10 PM
  • jsiepman: I am Bloomfield and would like to say thank you! to you and everyone that made a deference today.

    I planted a tree today as I do every year, and it makes no deference what town or city we live in. There is one thing for sure we all live on the same planet.

    Great job all!!!

    -- Posted by chrisgoat on Wed, Apr 22, 2009, at 9:11 PM
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