Flower, Patio Show offers lots of variety

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

If you're in the mood for spring be sure to check out the fifth annual Greene County Master Gardener's Flower and Patio Show.

The event is slated for 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Saturday and 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Sunday at the 4-H fairgrounds. Admission is free and this year's theme is "Welcome to our Potting Shed."

Kathy Duncan, co-chair of the event, provided additional details on the two-day show that offers vendors and demonstrations.

"You can shop for flowers, herbs, heirloom plants, trees, shrubs, garden art, accessories, lawn equipment and much more which will be available from the 20 vendors featured at this year's show," she explained.

The show will also offer gardening, canning, and freezing tips.

"In these economic times it is anticipated more people will be gardening, canning and freezing," Duncan said.

Master Gardener Ed Cox will share gardening tips, and provide information on varieties that do well in this area and are recommended for preserving.

Extension Educator Polly Gettinger will provide a Purdue Presentation on canning and freezing with information available.

"This will be a point of interest for anyone that cans or wants to begin canning and freezing garden produce," Duncan added. "Recommended canning processes have changed with our new hybrids and varieties."

The event will also showcase Master Gardener Don Sachtjen -- who will demonstrate how to make seedling pots from newspaper. Children will then have the opportunity to plant something in his starter containers.

Those who attend will receive their choice of a free tree -- Ball Cypress or Tulip Poplar. Trees are provided by the Indiana Forestry Department.

If you are interested in taking Master Gardener classes be sure and sign up for the 2010 scholarships for the classes at the show, Duncan said. Two scholarships will be given away at this year's show and you need not be present to win.

The event also includes plenty of raffle items, a limited supply of free seed catalogs and seeds, as well as food vendors and more.

Presentations times:


* 10:30-11:30 a.m. -- How to make Hypertufa Containers, Ken Breece

* 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. -- Gourds and More, Toni Kedvierski

* 1-2 p.m. -- Growing Vegetables, Ed Cox

* 2:15-3:15 p.m. -- Garden Mosiacs, Janet Skinner


* 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. -- Bee Keeping, Lyoness Farms

* 12:45-1:45 p.m. -- Gourds and More, Toni Kedvierski

* 2-3 p.m. -- How to Make Hypertufa Containers, Ken Breece

The Greene County 4-H fairgrounds is located one mile east of Switz City on State Road 54.

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