Bloomfield man headed to court on battery charge

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Eric J. Townsend, 23, of Bloomfield, is scheduled to appear at an initial hearing in Greene Superior Court Friday morning on the charge of battery resulting in bodily injury.

Townsend was arrested last Friday by Greene County Sheriff's Deputy Brad Deckard after he and Deputy Jeremy Inman responded to the Lester St. Apartments in Bloomfield on the report of a fight in progress.

The preliminary charge was filed against him on Tuesday along with a probable cause affidavit written by Deputy Inman.

Inman wrote that when the officers arrived on the scene, they noticed a grill had been turned over in front of an apartment and a female's wallet was lying beside a car. They were met by Townsend who told them the problem had been taken care of and that everybody had left.

However, while Inman was speaking with Townsend at the door to the apartment, Inman noticed a large pile of hair which appeared to have been pulled out of a female person. He asked to check inside for any injured people.

Townsend agreed an officer could come in and then told them a woman (relative) was in the house but she was in bed. She wasn't in bed. Then he said she must have gone into the shower. She wasn't there either. Inman happened to notice a pair of feet off to the side of a bed. The feet belonged to a woman wrapped up in a blanket and Inman asked her to stand.

Inman wrote that she was slow to get up and then laid back down with the cover still over her head. When she removed the cover from her head, the officer saw a large spot on her forehead that was swollen and had a contusion in the middle of the swelling. He also noticed some charcoal dust or dirt on her shirt.

According to the affidavit, the woman had been in the house in order to care for four children while their mother was in jail. They ranged in age from 18 months up to seven years old. Her boyfriend had also been there. She said when she got into a verbal argument with her boyfriend, Townsend got in between them and started to shove them. The affidavit says she stated that "Eric just freaked out and head-butted her and shoved her down."

Her boyfriend, who was still on parole, took off running.

Townsend was booked in to the Greene County Jail where bond was set at $1,000. He posted bond and was released later the same day.

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  • You can beat up on another person and pay $100. 10% of $1000. That seems like a very small bond for such a action. What if the person bonded out and went back and did more harm to this individual, where is the justice.

    -- Posted by jeromel32 on Wed, Apr 22, 2009, at 10:06 PM
  • You can beat up on another person and pay $100. 10% of $1000. That seems like a very small bond for such a action. What if the person bonded out and went back and did more harm to this individual, where is the justice.

    -- Posted by jeromel32 on Wed, Apr 22, 2009, at 10:08 PM
  • Eric was breaking up the argument between his relative and her boyfriend yet he ended up head butting his relative rather than hitting the guy.

    I find all of it very shady. I am wondering what really went down in there.

    -- Posted by peaceloveandprayers on Wed, Apr 22, 2009, at 10:29 PM
  • Have to agree with you Proud2Bfree, sounds a little shady.

    -- Posted by sassy12 on Thu, Apr 23, 2009, at 5:18 AM
  • Why on earth would the boyfriend take off and leave her there. Some one is not telling all of the story. sound pretty suspicious on their part. I'd go see the boy friend and check his story, something doesn't add up.

    -- Posted by dennisb1953 on Thu, Apr 23, 2009, at 6:00 AM
  • The boyfriend took off running. The boyfriend is on parole. Why would he take off running unless he was up to no good? Either he is a big coward or dealing in something illegal. Very odd.

    -- Posted by peaceloveandprayers on Thu, Apr 23, 2009, at 1:12 PM

    Well your knowledge of his "relative" would be beneficial to Eric. If you know something about her that could help him maybe you should come forward but seeing how the "relatives" sister is already behind bars along with Eric I don't know how much good that will do. I would consider just staying away from her seeing how she is trouble.

    -- Posted by peaceloveandprayers on Fri, Apr 24, 2009, at 10:15 AM
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