Seed truck topples over Monday

Friday, October 14, 2011

A semi carrying several tons of feed to New Fashion Pork in Worthington toppled over Monday, leaving one lane of State Road 157 closed for nearly eight hours.

Greene County Sheriff's Department Deputy Terry Wade said the 11:45 a.m. accident took place on S.R. 157 at County Road 60 W.

Todd Borman, 35, of Chrisney, Ind., was driving the truck full of feed for Henke Farms, out of Holland, Ind., when a shift in his cargo tossed the semi to its side.

"The driver was going north on (SR) 157 to Worthington, and as he was rounding the curve he believes his load shifted and caused the semi truck and trailer to fall to the right side," Wade explained.

Borman was transported to Greene County General Hospital with injuries.

No other vehicles were involved.

"The truck itself was damaged pretty extensively. Speed is not a factor in the accident," Wade added.

The northbound lane of S.R. 157 was closed until approximately 7:30 p.m., due to the weight of the cargo making it difficult to get the truck upright.

"Part of the feed had spilled, and before they could turn the truck back over, they had to vacuum several tons of feed out of the truck," Wade said.

Worthington Police Department, Greene County Ambulance Service, Worthington Fire Department and Highland Township also responded to the accident.

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  • i would say that was an equipment failure.

    -- Posted by jimbo887 on Fri, Oct 14, 2011, at 10:48 AM
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