Shakamak superintendent praises choir festival

Friday, October 14, 2011

Superintendent Mike Mogan reported at the Metropolitan School District of Shakamak Board of School Trustee meeting Thursday evening that 500 students from 17 school corporations put on a professional show during the Southwestern Indiana Choral Festival hosted by Shakamak on Tuesday, Oct. 4.

"I was impressed," noted Mogan. "It was a fantastic program."

Mogan thanked Jayne Collins in Food Services for feeding the visitors during the day and custodians for all their extra work.

Mogan announced that there would be no school for students on Wednesday, Oct. 19, which is Parent-Teacher Conference and Professional Development Day beginning at 11 a.m. and lasting until 6:30 p.m.

Students will be out of school for Fall Break on October 20-21.

Mogan noted that he was pleased that enrollment had increased from 820 students to 829.

Mogan also announced another item on the busy fall schedule which is the band concert that will be in the elementary gym at 7 p.m., Oct. 27.

Junior/Senior High Principal Rolland Abraham announced that the girls' cross country placed third at the Sectionals and would compete in the regionals on Saturday.

Abraham also said the school is continuing the mentoring program with 16 staff members mentoring 19 students, and the junior high Positive Behavior Program is Oct. 18th.. With points earned, students can buy pop, popcorn and watch a movie.

The following are additional upcoming events announced by Abraham:

* Saturday -- Co-ed carsity cross country regional at Brown County, 10:30 a.m.

* Saturday -- Girls junior high volleyball Southwestern Indiana Athletic Conference Tourney at Shakamak, 9 a.m.

* Monday -- High school spell bowl competition at North Knox High School, 6 p.m.

* Oct. 20 --National FFA Convention in Indianapolis.

* Oct. 27 -- Fall band concert, 7 p.m.

* Nov. 10 -- National Honor Society initiation, 7 - 8 p.m.

* Nov. 11 -- Veterans' Day program 9:-30 10:30 a.m.

Elementary Principal Chris Ross reported that Oct. 14 is Fire Prevention Day with the local fire department presenting a fire safety program.

Ross also announced that Title I Family Night is Oct. 27 and Title I SES tutoring is Nov. 11.

In other business, the board:

* Voted to change health benefit and contributions to Active VEBA accounts.

* Approved a request from Jayne Collins, food service director, to purchase a water softener to increase the life of the new dishwasher.

* Agreed to change the time of the Nov. 10 school board meeting to 6 p.m. in order to not interfere with Honors Night.

During board members' comments, James Yeryar and Jeff Miller congratulated the girl's cross country team.

Miller also noted that he and Brian Stockrahm attended the School Board Association meeting at Depauw University in Greencastle where Yeryar was recognized and given an award for participating in seminars and attending meetings.

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