Linton Fall Arts Festival set for Oct. 29
The Linton-Stockton Chamber of Commerce will host the Linton Fall Arts Festival, complete with artists, food and entertainment, Saturday, Oct. 29 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The festival will be located on Main Street in downtown Linton.
Twenty vendors will be set up on Main Street with merchandise such as fiber arts, handmade purses, fine art, photography, glass wall hangings and jewelry, as well as food vendors, according to Linton-Stockton Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Lynette Shelton.
"There will be a variety of vendors with unique gift items to start your Christmas shopping early," Shelton said.
The number of vendors has more than tripled since last year's festival that had about three vendors. Most vendors are from the Greene County area, but some span as far as Indianapolis.
The Linton Rotary Club will be sponsoring a Chili Cook-off. Registration to show off your favorite recipe is $15.
"You can taste it (chili) as you go through the festival," Shelton said.
Glenburn Home in Linton will be sponsoring a pumpkin decorating contest, with all materials provided.
Wal-Mart will be sponsoring various children's activities, Shelton noted.
Sculpture Trails will be set up at the Fall Arts Festival to create an aluminum sculpture on sight that highlights local art.
"Festival attendees are invited to participate in the creation of it," Shelton encouraged.
The sculpture will be displayed at Carnegie Arts Center in Linton upon its completion.
Donations to the creation of the sculpture can be made online at by clicking on the donations tab.
Local musicians will be performing throughout the day of the event, according to Crystal Woods. She said there will be a mixture of music from local favorites.
Woods added there will be chainsaw carvers, a woman who will demonstrate how to spin wool into thread and a lady who does unique photography.
Planners are also working to have demonstrators hold hands-on sessions.
Downtown businesses will host a scavenger hunt during the festival, which will help promote the businesses.
"Participating downtown businesses will each have a decorated pumpkin hidden in their store someplace," according to Francis' Jewel Box's Kathy Matthews, which is located downtown on North Main Street.
There will be a check-off card at the Chamber's trailer, and participants can visit the businesses listed to complete the hunt.
Those who complete the scavenger hunt will have their cards entered into a drawing to win a basket with merchandise donated from each participating business.
Matthews said so far five downtown businesses have agreed to be a part of the scavenger hunt, but she hopes to have more.
"The scavenger hunt will intentionally put people in each business," Matthews explained.
The Linton Fall Arts Festival will help to promote downtown and its businesses, Matthews noted.
"Number one, it (the festival) makes people aware downtown is still alive. Secondly, it does draw in a nice crowd for the area," she stressed.
Woods encouraged all local artists to contact the Chamber if they are interested in selling and displaying their works of art at the festival.
"If you are a local artist, please contact us if you would be interested in displaying your artwork," Woods said.
If interested, contact the Linton-Stockton Chamber of Commerce at 847-4846 or visit its website at, and click on the festivals tab.