4-H Junior Leaders heading up charity food drive

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Greene County 4-H Junior Leaders are taking the lead on a food drive that will help local families in need.

The Purdue Extension Office on the 4-H Fairgrounds, 4503 W State Road 54, has paper sacks donors can take with them to fill at the store, Greene County Extension Educator Tammy Steiner said.

"If they have a 4-Her in their community, they can ask them. They (4-H students) already have bags," Steiner added, noting if someone would just like to drop off items at the office that would be acceptable as well.

Donated items must be turned in by Friday, Oct. 28 at 4 p.m.

The Fall Food Drive will be accepting non-perishable food items, shampoos, toilet paper, paper towels or any other items to benefit the Family Life Center in Bloomfield.

"The Junior Leaders is the organization that is taking the lead on this project, and they have built a relationship with the Family Life Center. They have spent some time volunteering there. ... This is a way to continue that relationship," Steiner explained. "Family Life Center serves the entire Greene County area, which is another reason why they chose to go there."

The Family Life Center helps Greene County families that are struggling.

"The Family Life Center helps a lot of different people, especially in this economic time where people are losing their jobs regularly. They are in trouble, and some of them have children so that makes it harder," Family Life Center volunteer Stephanie Thomas said in a previous interview.

Steiner said this is the first year for the Junior Leaders to host the food drive, so they have not set a goal. She hopes this will become an annual event, and after weighing donations they can set a goal for next year.

Most people do not start giving major food and toiletry donations until closer to the holidays, Steiner said, but the group wanted to start the project earlier, before needs start to drastically increase.

"Monday night is achievement night. We have encouraged the 4-Hers to bring items to that event," Steiner said.

She added she hopes this food drive will lead into adding a new program to 4-H, in which members will learn about local hunger issues.

She hopes to have educational seminars, and help the kids get more involved in helping the hungry.

The 4-H Purdue Extension Office encourages donators to check the expiration date on all products.

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