I-69 project moving at a steady pace forward

Friday, October 14, 2011
Massive Interstate 69 earth work is underway near the Mt. Nebo Church -- under a newly-build overpass on County Road 100W -- south of County Road 700S (Newberry-Scotland Road).

Construction work on Interstate 69 is moving northward at a steady pace, according to an Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) spokesperson.

An estimated 1,100 employees are working along the entire corridor each day, according to INDOT media spokesperson Cheri Elliott, working out of the Vincennes District office.

Road work is under way around the clock in southern Greene and northern Daviess county as crews try to complete Section 3 by the end of 2012.

One county road overpass bridge has been completed in Greene County near Mt. Nebo Church -- on County Road 100W -- south of County Road 700S (Newberry-Scotland Road).

*From US 231 interchange south to CR 1400N there are roughly 160 contractor employees working on this particular project (operators, laborers, carpenters, teamsters, iron workers, etc), Elliott stated, "There are 14 bridge structures currently being constructed

Four county road overpass bridge structures over the I-69 corridor are currently open to traffic in Daviess County

An overpass is being constructed just off of County Road 700S -- near the U.S. 231/State Road 54 junction. Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) officials say Corridor 3 that ends at a new U.S. 231 interchange, will be completed by the end of 2012.

"Paving of the mainline roadway will possibly begin sometime next week on the contract beginning at C.R. 100 N just north of U.S. 50 in Daviess County," Elliott told the Greene County Daily World.

Construction has been completed in portions of Section 1, with construction efforts now under way in Sections 2 and 3.

*Approximately 40,000 cubic yards of soil is being moved per day when the weather is suited," Elliottt said.

Steel pilings are being driven in the ground to support the new Interstate 69 highway -- just off of County Road 700S in Taylor Township.
Looking southwest from the overpass on County Road 100W -- south of County Road 700S (Newberry-Scotland Road).
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  • Is there a map that shows where this thing goes from Indy. to E-vill. I am sure there is but I missed it.

    -- Posted by Old and Gray on Mon, Oct 17, 2011, at 1:13 PM
  • Yep. Here is a pretty good site for I-69 maps, etc.


    -- Posted by agastro on Tue, Oct 18, 2011, at 10:53 AM
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