Klass wins another term as Worthington clerk-treasurer
WORTHINGTON -- Incumbent Worthington Clerk-Treasurer Gloria Klass won a fourth term in Tuesday's Municipal General Election voting.
She defeated first-time political candidate Jessica Baker on a picture-perfect day in terms of autumn weather.
Klass, a Democrat tallied, 225 votes, compared to 57 for her Republican challenger in the only contested race on the ballot for Jefferson 1 and 2 precinct voters.
Klass has served for 12 years and in her last two re-election bids she hasn't faced any opposition.
The incumbent said she was pleased with her vote totals and she added that four years ago she ran unopposed and tallied 297 votes.
"I was so glad to see the amount of people that came out to vote. It was a nice day," Klass told the Greene County Daily World after the vote totals were announced.
The winner said the vote total was a welcome vote of confidence for her after serving the community for a dozen years.
Turnout in the two precincts that voted in the Municipal Building was 238 out of 709 registered.
Klass said her experience and familiarity with the people in town was a key factor in her victory.
"The main thing there is I know just about everybody in town and have a good relationship with them. It makes me feel good to see that many people come out and get that many votes for me," she said. "It all turned out well."
Prior to her election as town clerk-treasurer in 1999, Klass worked for eight years in the Greene County Auditor's office under former auditors Mary Jo Smith and Sue McDonald. Before that, she was employed for eight years at Owen State Bank.
The clerk-treasurer's office is the financial arm of the town. The clerk-treasurer and staff conduct budgeting, payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, financial reporting -- the full complement of traditional accounting functions.
The clerk-treasurer also serves as the recording secretary for the town council and utility board meetings.
Klass has been married for the past 39 years to Herman Klass, the former Jefferson Township Trustee.
They have a son, Todd Klass, who lives in Brazil.
Gloria has two daughters, Kim Rogers of Worthington and Tanja Fulk from Indianapolis.
Baker was gracious in defeat saying, "I think the best person won. I did my best."
Baker, a 2005 White River Valley Junior-Senior High School graduate who is employed by Alorica, an AT&T call center in Terre Haute, said running for her first elective office was a good experience.
She also learned something.
"I probably should get out there more and meet more people," she concluded in a telephone interview after the polls closed.