Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thank you for new pregame flag

To the Editor:

The Linton-Stockton High School Marching Miners Band and Miner Kadets would like to say thank you to the American Legion, Sons of the American Legion, and American Legion Auxiliary for the purchase of our new pregame flag.

This would not have been possible without the idea from Senior Miner Kadet Flag Co-Captain Brooke Stefancik. She presented the need for a new flag to her mother, Michelle Stefancik, who helped make the idea into a reality.

We appreciate the opportunity to present the flag each home football game for all those who have, continue, and will serve to make our freedom possible. We accept this gift with great honor and pride.

Thank you from the Linton-Stockton High School Band and Miner Kadets

Chandra Breneman


The best gift?

Quit smoking

To the Editor:

At this time of year we ponder what to get our loved ones for Christmas.

If you use tobacco, it should only take a few seconds to decide. Quit using tobacco.

That would be a gift worth a lifetime.

Karen Wathen

Greene County Tobacco Coalition
