WVCF employee helps secure donation for Linton Pool
A Linton resident helped to secure a $1,000 donation to the A.M. Risher Pool from Wabash Valley Correctional Facility (WVCF).
Linton clerk-treasurer Jathan Wright, who also sits on the pool board, said WVCF employee Lisa Ball, of Linton, informed him of a program the correctional facility offers to support local communities.
Wright sent a letter to the a representative at WVCF to explain the financial struggles the pool annually sees, including the fact while it is owned by the city, the pool receives no taxpayer dollars.
“The pool relies on the revenue of season passes, daily admission, nightly pool parties, concession sales, water fitness class, and generous donations for individuals and organizations,” Wright explained.
In the request, Wright noted this year the pool saw a blow to its budget, as the donation set aside for operating expenses will now have to cover the cost of a new filter, with bids showing $10,000 to replace the faulty filter.
“Our pool has been well maintained and is in good shape for a facility that was constructed in 1965 but we still have maintenance issues that prove be pricey. In January, after an inspection of our filters it was discovered that our pool filter media in the deep end was faulty and needed replaced,” Wright explained.
Ball presented the donation to Wright and Mayor John Wilkes on Friday.
Anyone interested in helping support the pool can send donations to Linton City Hall at 86 S. Main St., Linton, IN 47441, made out to the Linton City Pool.