The WILL Center bringing low vision expo to Linton
The Wabash Independent Living and Learning (WILL) Center is currently taking RSVPs for a Low Vision Expo that will be coming to Linton in April.
According to Danny Wayne of The Will Center, the expo will provide information to those who are affected by low vision or know somebody who has low vision.
The expo will also feature keynote speaker Dr. Marianne Price, who is the Executive Director of Price Vision Group and Cornea Research Foundation of America.
“She will talk about the latest low vision research on macular degeneration, glaucoma and cornea research, all of which cause loss of vision,” Wayne said.
The expo will also feature demonstrations of technologies designed to assist those with vision loss, including Nueyes and Mojo Electronic Monocular.
“They are glasses with a camera in them which can increase magnification, they’re really unbelievable,” Wayne said. “We will also be showing large button telephones and large print resources.”
Wayne added those that will get the most out of the expo will be those currently living with low vision. However, the expo will be open to the public to attend.
Those that RSVP and attend will be treated to a lunch provided by The Low Vision Store based out of Greenwood.
The expo will take place April 19 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Roy Clark Building in Linton. To RSVP, call The WILL Center at 812-298-9455 by April 12.