Middle Way House offers same services, new location

Friday, September 22, 2017

In April, Middle Way House of Greene County announced that they would be seeking a new location, and late this summer they finally found one. Women’s advocate Christa Turpin says their previous landlords virtually donated the space to Middle Way House, but the women’s resource center could not continue to remain in the space.

“They had plans for the whole building, so we couldn’t just stay in the way,” said Turpin.

In earlier interviews, Turpin expressed the desire to move closer to Bloomfield due to frequent trips to the Greene County Courthouse. Their new location is by the Family Life Center in the log cabin along West State Road 54 in Bloomfield, offering a closer drive to the Courthouse and perhaps privacy appreciated by clients.

“We love our new location,” said Turpin. “It’s different not being in town where we’ve always been. We’re kind of out of the way, but that has its benefits. It’s just a really cute space.”

Other than location, Turpin confirms that nothing else has changed, and Middle Way House will continue to offer the same services they always have. Middle Way House offers resources for women ranging from 24/Hour crisis hotline and temporary safe housing for women and children fleeing domestic and sexual violence, as well as other forms of legal and personal advocacy and prevention education.

Turpin says that the new location was made possible by a variety of people and organizations, from P.D. Haywood to the Family Life Center, and the Women of Worth group who awarded a grant to the Middle Way House.

“The community kind of rallied around us,” said Turpin. “Basically, everyone just came to our rescue and here we are.”

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