Donald Dean Memorial Highway officially dedicated

Friday, November 17, 2017
Indiana State Representative Jeff Ellington presents the resolution to dedicate the Donald Dean Memorial Highway to Dean’s wife, Betty, and son, David.
By Andrew Christman

The Donald Dean Memorial Highway was officially dedicated Thursday afternoon at the Greene County Courthouse.

The stretch of Highway 231 between IN-69 and the town of Bloomfield has been named as the memorial highway for Dean, who passed away in 2007. Indiana State Representative Jeff Ellington spoke at the dedication, speaking of Dean’s life, career and military service.

“Donald Dean graduated from Bloomfield High School in 1940. After graduation, Donald Dean enlisted in the United States a technical sergeant in the Tunisia, Italy and Sicily War during World War II, serving under General George Patton and also General Martin Clark.

“After earning six medal stars for dedicated service for his country, Donald Dean returned to Bloomfield and married Betty Joe Hasler and together they had a daughter, Nancy, and son, David,” Ellington said.

Dean then proceeded to run for the Indiana House of Representatives, where he was elected in 1978, serving 12 years.

“While in the Indiana General Assembly, Donald Dean served on the Public Policy Committee, the Roads and Transportation Committee, the County and Townships Committee and the Natural Resources Committee, and was chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee,” Ellington said.

Dean was noted to be instrumental in passing the Grandparent Visitation law, initiating the move to red and blue lights on all police vehicles and securing money for the erecting of the Veteran’s Bridge over the White River alongside Jerden Emery.

Along with his service in state government as a member of the Republican party, Dean was involved with the Bloomfield First Baptist Church, the Bloomfield American Legion Post 196, the Bloomfield Masonic Lodge 84, the Linton Elks Club, the Greene County Shrine and a 50-year member of the Bloomfield Lions Club.

“Donald Dean was a patriotic and civil-minded man who loved and served his country with great pride,” Ellington said. “It is fitting and proper that special recognition be given to former Representative Donald W. Dean for his many accomplishments and his loyal service to his constituents and the state of Indiana.”

Dean’s son and principal of Bloomfield Jr./Sr. High School David Dean also spoke during the dedication, noting his father to be a humble man.

“This type of presentation he certainly would not have expected nor asked for,” David said. “We’re very honored for that. He was a very civic-minded individual. We thank you, I know we’re very proud of what he did and his accomplishments. I know he was very proud of where he came from.”

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  • Don was a wonderful man & State Rep. This is a wonderful honor for him & his family!!

    -- Posted by i fight authority on Sat, Nov 18, 2017, at 1:24 AM
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