Hazlewood wins Drake Relays

Friday, April 27, 2018
Linton-Stockton graduate and current Purdue University standout Micaela Hazlewood won the discus competition at the Drake Relays in Des Moines, Iowa Friday.
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Micaela Hazlewood has achieved yet another noteworthy accomplishment in track and field. The 2014 Linton-Stockton graduate and current Purdue University athlete is a Drake Relays champion.

Competing in the University/College Women’s division Hazlewood bested all competitors in the discus Friday afternoon.

The Drake Relays is an outdoor track and field meet staged at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa and is regarded as one of the top track and field events in the United States.

Hazlewood’s winning throw measured 188 feet, one inch -- two feet farther than the Purdue University school record she established last spring.

Hazlewood stood in second place to University of Missouri thrower Gabi Jacobs until her sixth and final throw. The Purdue thrower’s second attempt sailed 179-1, two feet, two inches short of Jacobs’ mark. But on her final try she bettered Jacobs by nearly seven feet while the Missouri competitor fouled on her final two attempts.

In addition to being the Purdue recordholder, the senior thrower is a two-time second-team All-American.

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  • Congrats Micaela, keep on goin'.!

    -- Posted by Jack Huffman on Sat, Apr 28, 2018, at 12:45 PM
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