LSSC facility study focuses on buildings, learning environment
The Linton-Stockton School Board met in a work session Monday evening to discuss some of the preliminary results of a district-wide facilities study.
Jim Thompson and Tony Allen with Gibraltar Design, as well as Scott Stenftenagel with the Stenftenagel Group, met with the board to go over the information gathered from a district-wide survey focusing on what the school could potentially do to better the learning environment, as well as ensure the buildings are in good shape.
Thompson explained the extensive district-wide facility study presented Monday was very preliminary and included all of the results from the surveys from the principals and staff. The goal before the next meeting on Jan. 7 is to narrow down the information to a feasible list to consider making changes.
Thompson said there is still more work to do to create a manageable list to consider the long list of information in the package. He said Gibraltar would go through the information to narrow it down and would like input from the school board as well.
Superintendent Dr. Kathy Goad noted the school’s treasurer, Carla Gambill, is working with the school’s financial advisor in order to put together a comprehensive plan.
“We will be able to see what amount of money is available to us within a certain amount of time so that we can start making some concrete decisions about where we want to go,” Goad explained.