LSSC facility study focuses on buildings, learning environment

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Linton-Stockton School Board met in a work session Monday evening to discuss some of the preliminary results of a district-wide facilities study.

Jim Thompson and Tony Allen with Gibraltar Design, as well as Scott Stenftenagel with the Stenftenagel Group, met with the board to go over the information gathered from a district-wide survey focusing on what the school could potentially do to better the learning environment, as well as ensure the buildings are in good shape.

Thompson explained the extensive district-wide facility study presented Monday was very preliminary and included all of the results from the surveys from the principals and staff. The goal before the next meeting on Jan. 7 is to narrow down the information to a feasible list to consider making changes.

Thompson said there is still more work to do to create a manageable list to consider the long list of information in the package. He said Gibraltar would go through the information to narrow it down and would like input from the school board as well.

Superintendent Dr. Kathy Goad noted the school’s treasurer, Carla Gambill, is working with the school’s financial advisor in order to put together a comprehensive plan.

“We will be able to see what amount of money is available to us within a certain amount of time so that we can start making some concrete decisions about where we want to go,” Goad explained.

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  • Are y’all just nuts? A comprehensive plan? If that school gets any more new buildings or devises any new plans I feel bad for the teachers who have to listen to these “comprehensive plans” and then be expected to focus on individualized lesson plans for our children. Focus on the students not the buildings. I don’t remember the walls, I remember the content. Kids remember the people who guided them. No one can navigate through there as it is without running face first into a new building. Leave well enough alone. Crazy wasting money when you can’t even hire a real licensed social worker or a licensed counselor who knows the students. All of the students and where they come from not just what they can see in their little file to pass judgment.

    -- Posted by MrsRobinson on Wed, Dec 5, 2018, at 4:04 AM
  • The school corporation has both of those positions and those two individuals do an AMAZING job. Looking forward to seeing what this team finds out about making our schools SAFE and HEALTHY for our children. As a parent, I’m thrilled and thankful.

    -- Posted by aquietplace on Wed, Dec 5, 2018, at 12:54 PM
  • *

    I believe the point was: Columbine had two armed guards. It just may be more important to focus on things you can control. Like the education of our children, not the buildings.

    -- Posted by JohnPColeman on Wed, Dec 5, 2018, at 1:04 PM
  • Teachers can’t control when kids come to school hungry, tired or traumatized. This certainly affects education and learning. You CAN control pest infestations, leaky ceilings, entrances that don’t easily accommodate wheelchairs and classrooms that are so packed that it makes it difficult to navigate around the room. A safe environment isn’t just from those with weapons. It is a place where children can have respite from some of the things they deal with at home. :)

    -- Posted by aquietplace on Wed, Dec 5, 2018, at 9:06 PM
  • *

    No one would disagree with that. All I am saying is that those things should not be the main focus. The main focus should be the teachers and the education that is offered. Could you imagine if the Stenftenagel group recommended: “ if you want your kids to be better prepared, you should support your teachers and staff better, implement new ways and positions to educate the children. “ instead the group usually ends up recommending new capital projects. It’s how WRV got their referendum. Wouldn’t you rather have an A+ education in a C building than the other way around?

    -- Posted by JohnPColeman on Thu, Dec 6, 2018, at 4:29 AM
  • I concur with John. Educate and develop the students. Don’t try to weed the ones out that will not help you with your annual scores. Getting the school board cleaned up and some new administration has helped. But there is a long way to go. Minneapolis been comes from our tax base. If they continue to spend and have projects it maintains the tax base. They would never want the base not have anything to pay for in regards to school and be lowered. They would never get it back up again therefore they have to maintain it.

    -- Posted by catpowered on Thu, Dec 6, 2018, at 10:22 AM
  • We need good teachers not more bricks. Our school system has to many chiefs and not enough indians.

    -- Posted by Minerminuteman on Thu, Dec 6, 2018, at 11:57 PM
  • I asked that I be able to edit my post due to a spelling error. I guess you can’t do that here. That’s what I get for using speak text. Paper and pencil do not exist today. Problem number one!

    -- Posted by catpowered on Sat, Dec 8, 2018, at 8:31 AM
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