Shafford finishes 22nd at state discus competition

Sunday, June 2, 2019
Linton sophomore Vanessa Shafford stands in front of the Robert C. Haugh Complex, the site of the state track meet.
By Andrew Bowen

BLOOMINGTON -- She plans on returning next year.

Linton-Stockton sophomore Vanessa Shafford finished 22nd in the discus Saturday afternoon at Indiana University in the state track meet. Her best throw was 115 feet, seven inches, a bit below the throw of 125-4 that earned her third place in the Bloomington North Regional and the throw of 128-1 that earned her first place in the sectional.

“It wasn’t what we wanted,” said Linton coach Aaron Lynn. “I think it was a lot of nerves the first time here.”

Linton track coach Aaron Lynn and Vanessa Shafford watch one of her competitors hurl the discus.
By Andrew Bowen

Shafford agreed. “It’s a completely different story when you come out here. Nerves got the best of me today.”

Lynn noted Shafford still accomplished much this season. Only 26 other competitors made it as far as she did, and they were the best in the state. Hannah Redlin of Rensselaer Central won the discus with a throw of 143-3.

“You don’t see this type of competition throughout the year,” Lynn said.

Shafford said it was an enjoyable experience competing at the Robert C. Haugh Complex.

“I look out there and I’m grateful to be here. The overall experience was a blast.”

She said she also appreciates the support she received from the community.

“I couldn’t be more grateful and blessed from all the people who got me here,” she said.

Lynn and Shafford agreed she wants to return to the state meet next year.

“Hopefully, we’ll be back next year and the year after that,” Lynn said.

Shafford said she will spend this summer working on her spins and releases so she can improve her throws. Her goal will be “to pick up where I left off at the end of this year.”

Not all of her energy will be devoted to the discus. She said she will also work on throwing the shot put. Shafford finished eighth in the shot at the Bloomington North Sectional with a throw of 32-0.

“Summer is a great place to do that,” she said of her plans.

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  • You made the whole city proud! Good Job!

    -- Posted by roxie_linton on Sun, Jun 2, 2019, at 8:57 PM
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