Theta Gamma Alpha Alumnae holds November meeting

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Theta Gamma Alpha Alumnae meeting was held Nov. 7, 2019 at noon in the Bloomfield Baptist Church.

Hostesses Dorothy Small and Marilyn Dallaire welcomed members. The table was decorated with a Thanksgiving theme, and each member received a favor of a cup of assorted candies.

Following prayer by Sharon Frederick, members enjoyed a delicious meal. The door prize was won by Anne Ellis. The raffle prize was won by Betty Dean.

President Carol Carney thanked the hostesses and conducted the business meeting. During the meeting, Linda Halliburton reported for the Social and Welfare Committee. Members thanked Deb Cullison for the Halloween cards they received from the sorority. The sorority’s Christmas philanthropy was decided to be the following: The “Project Lifesaver” that helps pay for a machine that can monitor where people are that are unable to find their way back home. The police give the machines away free and can monitor when needed.

A second donation will be given to the Bloomfield First Baptist Church Food Pantry. Joni Miller announced the Delt Christmas Breakfast will be at the Presbyterian Church at 9 a.m. Dec. 7. Fellowship was enjoyed by members following the meeting.

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