Living on Purpose
By Billy Holland

Trying to find our place in this world

Posted Wednesday, October 10, 2018, at 8:29 AM
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  • I have noticed that we seem to be moving in a direction where having a silent opinion is the only course we can follow without risk of offending someone or some group. I too believe in majority rule, even if at times that means the result is not in my favor. I do not believe I must white wash my opinions to accomodate others that believe differently than I, and I will not. Yes, everyone has the right to feel or think as they wish, that does not mean I need be complacent in my opinions in order to not offend others. Agree to disagree, differences in thought does not make you a bad person. And yes, I believe in God and feel my place in this world is to follow His will. To any that feel a rebuttal is now in order, please do. That is your right, as is mine to express it.

    -- Posted by changeitup on Tue, Nov 6, 2018, at 10:08 AM
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