Coffee with the Mayor
By Linton Mayor John Preble

Takin’ it to the streets

Posted Friday, August 30, 2024, at 12:00 AM
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  • Respectfully I agree that the street in Greene Acres is in need of work, but also would like consideration given to 4th street southeast. It is full of potholes , as the city workers are busy filling them several times a season. When it rains it flows like a river, before the last repair (quite a few years ago) we did not have these problems. Around the corner on 3rd we have a family that drains their above ground pool at the end of the season,, this water sits in our street (4th)for days, highlighting a drainage problem, please send someone over to evaluate this mess. This section of road is very busy, the city uses this road quite abit to access their city barns. there is a large amount of traffic, alot of speeding cars in a residential neighborhood. We as a community have worked really hard to bring up this area from a run down neighborhood to something we are proud of, now we need help with the road that is in disrepair.

    -- Posted by annie1 on Sat, Aug 31, 2024, at 8:12 AM
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