Freedom Festival Parade winners announced

Thursday, July 5, 2007
Freedom Festival Queen Laura Correll waves to the crowd along the parade route on Wednesday. (Greene County Daily World photo by Nick Schneider)

Wednesday's 102nd annual Linton Freedom Festival Parade had several entries as well as several winners.

The following is a complete list of winners, according to Linton-Stockton Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Cheryl Hamilton:

* Sweepstakes (First place overall) -- Ken Schrader's Linton Motors

* Mayor's choice (Second place overall) -- Hoosier Trail Riders Motor Club

* Queen's Choice (Third place overall) -- Preferred Asphalt Maintenance

* Religious Division -- Bethel Baptist

* Best Professional Built -- Bloomfield State Bank

* Best Amateur Built -- Tri Kappa

* Adult Division -- First place, Goose Pond Pizza and second place, Wal-Mart

* Comedy division -- First place, Richard Brown Insurance and second place, Puppet Truck from Regions Bank

* Youth division -- First place, Linton Rainbow girls and second place, Greene County Soccer Association

* Color Guard -- First place, Post 196 and second place, South Vigo High ROTC

* Best Clown -- Bella

* Best Performance -- Linton-Stockton High School Marching Miners

* Best Overall Equestrian Unit -- Anderson-Poindexter Funeral Home

* Best Dressed Equestrian Rider -- Anderson-Poindexter

* Oldest Rider -- Lowell Badger, 79

* Youngest Rider -- Samantha Duncan, 10

* Best Family Unit -- Karen Scott and Sam Roberts family

* Best Equestrian Team -- Double J

* Best Exotic Equestrian -- Dave Leonard

* People's Choice Autos/Farm Equipment -- 1950 Chevrolet Truck/Hubert Brough

* Mayor's Choice Autos/Farm Equipment -- 1966 Cadillac, Dennis Piety

* Farm Equipment Best Overall --1957 John Deere 620, Derald Hasler

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  • Enjoy your Daily World. I was a paperboy for the Linton Daily Citizen in 1960.

    -- Posted by the.eclectic.hermit on Fri, Jul 6, 2007, at 2:32 PM
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