Linton-Stockton Chamber to host Spring Expo

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Spring is right around the corner, and if you're looking to get into the spring mood, the Linton-Stockton Chamber of Commerce's Spring Expo is the perfect place for you.

This year's Spring Expo, which is slated for 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on March 3, will be at the Linton National Guard Armory.

According to Cheryl Hamilton, executive director of the Linton-Stockton Chamber of Commerce, the purpose of the event is to give the public an opportunity to start thinking about spring projects without a high pressure sale.

"They can talk one on one with many of the vendors and get answers to their questions," Hamilton said.

For vendors, the Spring Expo gives them the opportunity to receive more exposure to new customers and clients and gives them the opportunity to showcase their products, Hamilton said.

This year's event will offer a variety of vendors, including: Flooring America, Graves Plumbing, Hamilton Systems, Greene County Historical Society, Greene County Foundation, Integriteam, Root's RV, Kegan's Kandy Web Services, Angell's Electronics Radio Shack, Southern Indiana Kitchen & Bath/Morrison & Associate Builders, Bloomfield State Bank, Crane Federal Credit Union, Ken Schrader's Linton Motors, Unique Door and Window, Nathan Butler Funeral Home, Border Magic of Southern IN, Farmers & Mechanics Federal Bank, Leaf Guard, Pope Brothers Home Center, The Healthy Gourmet, AFTERCare, Spurlin Super Automotive, Cutliff Landscape and Design, City Pest Control/Certified Turf Builders, Node1 Technology, Greene County Daily World, WQTY and Goosepond Fish & Wildlife Area.

Once again, Hamilton said, the Spring Expo will offer a "browsing bonanza" for those attending the event.

"Each person coming through the door will get a form to have each vendor complete. Upon completion the participant places it in a box with their contact information. At the end of the day, we draw the names out and give them to the vendors to give away their door prize," Hamilton explained.

Some of this year's door prizes include: An area rug, an air purifier with fragrances, an early Greene County history pamphlet, two tickets to the An Evening with Roy Clark and Friends show, a kitchen faucet and cordless drill, a tool box with tools, a folding director's chair, coffee mugs and T-shirts. Many vendors are offering gift certificates as door prizes.

"In addition to the browsing bonanza door prizes, many of the vendors will be giving away separate items that day," Hamilton said. "For instance AFTERCare will be giving away free glucometers to the first 150 people to their booth. Ken Schrader's Linton Motors is doing a drawing for a Race Package for the ARCA 200 race in Salem on April 22."

Hamilton said Brad Feaster, property manager at Goosepond Fish and Wildlife Area, will be on hand to answer questions regarding the project.

"Healthy Gourmet will be doing cooking demonstrations throughout the day. Root RV will have campers on site for folks to go through," she said.

Last year's show, according to slips returned from the browsing bonanza, brought around 600 people from 14 different counties.

Even if someone doesn't want to visit the Spring Expo, Hamilton encourages them to come out and have lunch as Linton Rotary will be serving food. They'll offer their famous barbecue, Hamilton said. For the past two years, Rotary's Butt Rubb Chili Team has won the chili cook-off at the Linton Music Festival. This year, Hamilton said, Rotary will also serve chili.

Hamilton has very limited booth space available. For more information on booth space, contact Hamilton at 847-4846.

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