JHS-SHS Homecoming kicks off today

Friday, September 29, 2006

This weekend will be a big one in Jasonville.

It's the annual Jasonville High School-Shakamak High School homecoming celebration.

The celebration, which will take place today, Saturday and Sunday, is billed by organizers as the largest high school homecoming in the state.

Tonight, the Boy Scouts will host a chili supper at the community center beginning at 4:30 p.m.

At 7 p.m. today, there will be a tractor pull at Hanna Field.

Also on Friday, the Sycamore Strummers will perform at the Lions Club.

"The entertainment, which is held Friday night in the Lions Club, is for all to enjoy. A pictorial history of the Jasonville area is also displayed in the building during this event," said Nancy Enstrom, president of the JHS-SHS Alumni Association.

Enstrom said the ever-popular Band Boosters pancake breakfast will begin at 6 a.m. on Saturday at the Lions Club.

The Main Street Flea Market kicks off on Saturday at 8 a.m. The flea market ends at 4 p.m.

Also beginning at 8 a.m. is the annual double elimination alumni softball tournament.

Each year, each graduating class forms a team to enter into the tournament. If someone has been out of school for more than 20 years and wants to play but their class doesn't have enough players for a team, they can join the old timers team.

This year there are 21 teams in the tournament. The teams will play on four fields at Hanna Field and at the high school softball diamond. The games will break at 1 p.m. for the annual homecoming parade and resume at 2 p.m. When games resume after the parade, they'll be played on three diamonds at Hanna Field and at the high school. On Sunday, two diamonds at Hanna Field will be used.

From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday there will be a car show on Main Street, near McCracken's Auto Service Center.

The annual homecoming parade -- themed "Our Varsity Victories" -- is slated to begin at 1 p.m. on Saturday.

During the parade, the 2006 Homecoming King and Queen will be recognized. This year's queen candidates are Marki Collins, Samantha Crosby, Ashlynn Hauser and Michelle Raquet, and this year's king candidates are Cameron Fulford, Gerard Lynch, Tyler Keller and Casey Kennett.

The annual alumni banquet will be at 6 p.m. on Saturday.

"The honored classes will be the Class of 1956 on their 50th anniversary and the class of 1981 on their 25th anniversary," Enstrom said. "Both classes will have a speaker at the banquet. Also at the banquet, the distinguished alumni is announced."

Last year's distinguished alumni was Max Griffith.

Following the alumni banquet, an afterglow will be held at the Lion's Club.

"Everyone is invited to come and fellowship and have light refreshments and reminisce," Enstrom said.

Homecoming weekend is a popular time for class reunions in Jasonville as so many alumni return for the festivities.

Reunions scheduled for today are:

* Class of 1991 -- 7 p.m. to midnight at VFW

* Class of 2001 -- 7 p.m. at Jasonville City Park Shelter House

Reunions scheduled for Saturday are:

* Class of 1956 -- After parade

* Class of 1966 -- 2:30 p.m. at Lawton Street Christian Church Annex

* Class of 1971 -- 6:30 p.m. at Old Bank & Co. in Linton

* Class of 1996 -- 7 p.m. at Jasonville City Park Shelter House

Homecoming festivities will continue on Sunday with the conclusion of the alumni softball tournament.

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