Coker has goal for Bloomfield business community

Thursday, January 20, 2005

When Terri Coker became president of the Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce, one of her goals was to bring businesses into Bloomfield.

"A lot of businesses have went out and we would like to see them come back in town and help the community and other businesses that are already here," she said.

On Monday, the second full week of January, Coker participated in her second ribbon cutting ceremony as president.

The Bloomfield Jazzercise Fitness Center, located at 35 N. Judge St., is holding its grand opening celebration this week. During the grand opening celebration, all classes are free.

Coker participated in a ribbon cutting ceremony at the new Greene County Health Clinic last week.

Coker noted that the businesses were in the works before she took over as chamber president; however, she wants to help those businesses succeed and ultimately stay in Bloomfield.

"I'd like to see more (businesses) get in town," she said.

Coker feels that the fitness center will be successful in Bloomfield.

As far as the chamber goes, Coker said, she would like to see it become more active.

"We're thinking about different fundraisers to help different organizations around," Coker said.

The Bloomfield Jazzercise Fitness Center is owned by Paul and Christina Ford. For questions concerning the center, call 825-6514 or 360-8494.

For questions concerning the Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce, call 384-8995.

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