Letter to the Editor

Operation Public Servant can help communication

Monday, April 21, 2008

To the Editor:

Thank you for the opportunity to inform your readers about OPERATION PUBLIC SERVANT. We can increase emergency communications without grant money and expensive wireless gadgets, by simply utilizing the resources and the personnel we already have in place. Thanks to the Shelbyville Common Council who rejected numerous Reverse 911 proposals, PLAN B, OPERATION PUBLIC SERVANT was created.

Currently, as a last resort, citizens who can not get an emergency message to a loved one while they are at work, can call their local law enforcement department and request a police officer relay a message to a jobsite, for them. However, if an officer is unavailable for any reason, citizens could be out of options. OPS is intended to provide additional options. The Mayor and the council are paid public servants who offer their phone numbers to the public for the purpose of communications. OPS is a suggestion that citizens who run out of options, could call the Mayor or a council member and request the public servant relay an emergency message in person, to the jobsite instead of waiting for an officer or taking an officer off the street. OPS is good for a variety of emergencies and requires no mandates of employers to implement.

To be prepared, clip the Mayor and council members phone numbers out if the newspaper the next time they appear and keep them close to your phone or fridge. By utilizing our resources and our elected officials, we will be better prepared for future emergencies. With the help of our public servants and the public whom they serve, we will make it so.


Mike Carpenter

Shelbyville, IN 46176