Letter to the Editor

Former principals proud of students, staff

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

To the Editor:

As former principals of Linton-Stockton Elementary and current board members of the Greene County Habitat for Humanity, we would like to formally thank all school administrators, faculty, staff, students, parents, businesses, and community members for their support and continued commitment to Habitat for Humanity -- a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry.

The Habitat for Humanity mission is to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world, and to build decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. We can think of no better character education program any school could provide for students than one that is action oriented where results impact individual student daily lives.

Allowing students to participate in raising funds is simply the outward result of what students learn in the classroom. Building student character is one of the most important educational experiences a child can participate in. Learning to reach out and have concern for each other is the cornerstone of civic minded citizens. When people act in response to human need, giving what they have without seeking profit or interest, their efforts are magnified in so many ways.

We at the local affiliate of Habitat for Humanity can think of no better way to share in love for our fellow man than to help meet one's basic need for a home. We are proud to be part of a community where helping each other is part of the school experience.

We are proud to have been associated with Linton-Stockton Elementary and happy to see their continued philanthropy in our community" -- Ray Spencer, principal 1970--91 and Harry Huber, principal 1994-2002.

Again, we commend Linton Stockton Elementary for their united efforts in helping to make our community a better place to live and grow up.

Harry Huber

Habitat for Humanity Board

(2002-08) and elementary

principal (1994-2002)

Ray Spencer

Habitat for Humanity Board

(1993-2008) and elementary

principal (1970 -- 91)