Mayor Jones proud of Linton Music Festival

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Submitted photo ON STAGE: Philpot, a band from Dugger, is one of the nearly 40 bands that will appear at the fourth annual Linton Music Festival on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. See an insert in today's Greene County Daily World (pictured below) for a look at Philpot and the other bands. The special section also includes the three-day band line-up.

Linton Mayor Tom Jones is issuing a few reminders when it comes to the upcoming Linton Music Festival this weekend.

"We want everybody to have a good time and enjoy themselves," he explained, noting a few safety tips.

When it comes to golf carts in the park, the only ones allowed will be those driven by the Music Fest staff and volunteers, he said. Staff golf carts will be shuttling people in and out of the park and moving supplies around.

"We don't want any golf carts in the park. We ask that people not drive in the park," he said, noting the safety issue it creates for folks on foot.

"No dogs and no pets of any kind will be allowed inside the park," Jones added.

Police will enforce both.

"If everything goes well it will be a fun event and that's what we're shooting for," he said.

Jones also thanked those who have worked on this year's Music Fest.

"I'm very proud of Jared (Albright) and Byron (Goodman), the park board and all of the volunteers," he said. "This will probably be one of the biggest festivals in town."

So far the festival's Web site has had over 7,000 hits, Jones said.

"We might see a huge, huge crowd here," he added.

Something new at this year's fest will be the parking.

"The (Linton Miner) baseball team will be parking cars behind the Park Inn in the open field," Jones said. "There'll be a $3 charge for parking."

The proceeds will benefit next year's festival and the Miner baseball team.

Jones also thanked all of the area service and fraternal organizations for stepping up to help out with the 2008 event.

"The whole idea behind this is to build a better Linton and do what's right for our community. I'm just proud of everybody ... everyone has worked together. It's been a blessing."

The Linton Music Fest kicks off at 5:30 p.m. Friday and runs through Sunday. This year's line-up includes more than 30 musical acts.

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  • *

    Yeah, labor day is the best! I've waited since the last three day weekend!!!

    -- Posted by per moenia urbis on Wed, Aug 27, 2008, at 10:14 PM
  • one of the best ideas ever, was to host this type of event. good fun for all. I like it that you do not have to go to a smoke filled bar just to hear a live band around here. The only bad thing is, it only happens once a year.

    -- Posted by texas ranger on Thu, Aug 28, 2008, at 7:33 AM
  • one more thing , a BIG THANK YOU to all who have worked on getting this event up and running, another Big Thank YOU goes out to all the bands who are providing the music.

    -- Posted by texas ranger on Thu, Aug 28, 2008, at 7:36 AM
  • I can't wait to hear my friend's group, Rumor Factor, should be a good time!

    -- Posted by frustrated48 on Thu, Aug 28, 2008, at 3:43 PM
  • I would like to thank jared albright and staff for putting on such a nice event. also like to thank the vendors that will be there. Ice cream and taco's in a bag. AWESOME!!!

    -- Posted by anbones on Thu, Aug 28, 2008, at 4:18 PM
  • I'm so happy I could just run out and kiss a frog.

    -- Posted by dkbuskirk on Mon, Sep 1, 2008, at 4:26 PM
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