Community Notes
BHS Class a 1998 reunion
The Bloomfield High School Class of 1998 will celebrate their 10 year reunion on Saturday, October 4 at The Old Bank & Co. Restaurant in Linton. Classsmates are encouraged to visit the following website for reunion details and to RSVP.
Poole-Miller reunion
The Poole-Miller reunion will be Sunday, Sept 7 at 12:30 p.m on the north side of Humphrey's Park in Linton by tennis court. Decedents of Grover and Lenna Miller- Verlin and Fanny Miller- including Warren and Hazel MIller- Hib and Letha VanHorn-Joan and Gayle Miller- Mary and Jim Woods- Emil and Ruth Miller- Virginia and Kenneth Miller. Bring picnic basket with food and table service. Please bring photos to share.
Dove Hunt for youth
A dove hunt for the youth will be from noon to 6 p.m. Sept. 1 at Minnehaha Fish and Wildlife Area. The hunt is for kids up to 15-years old. No license or hunter ed required. Sign ups are being taking until 11 a.m. on Sept 1. Shells provided.
Lawrence County Rock Club
The Lawrence County Rock Club will meet at 6 p.m. Sept. 6 at the Company Concourse in Bedford.
Greene County Retired Teachers
The Greene County Retired Teachers will meet at 11:30 a.m. Sept. 12 at the Old Bank in Linton.
Fred and Minnie King reunion
The Fred and Minnie King family reunion will be at noon Sept. 14 at the east shelterhouse. Drinks to be provided.
Four Rivers
The Four Rivers Board of Directors will be at 6 p.m. today in the conference room of the regional office in Linton.
Shakamak School Board
The Shakamak School Board will hold a special session at 6 p.m. Sept. 4 in the school media center. Items on the agenda include the proposed 2009 budget and miscellaneous items.
Linton Library Board
The Linton Public Library Board of Trustees will meet at 6 p.m. today at the library for their public hearing on the budget and their regular meeting will follow at 6:15.
Bloomfield School Board
The Bloomfield School Board of Trustees will meet in regular session at 7 p.m. today at the junior high conference center.
City of Linton
The City of Linton is extending the deadline for receiving income surveys through Sept. 5 in order to be eligible for the fire truck grant. Please submit your income survey in the return envelope if you have questions, please call the Mayor of Linton at 847-7754 or the Southern Indiana Development Commission Office at (812) 295-3707.
Union High School Band alumni
Any Union High School Band alumni are being sought for the homecoming game Sept. 27. Rehearsal at 6 p.m. Sept. 20 in the band room. If you are interested contact Carrie LaVallie at or by calling (812) 249-5168 by Sept. 19.
Apple Festival baby contest
Bloomfield Order of the Eastern Star will sponsor the Apple Festival Baby Contest. All children must live in Greene County. The categories are: Newborn to 1 year, 2 - 3 years, 4 - 5 years and 6 - 8 years. Send entries to Rhea Dawn Gadberry, 728 Sunset Dr. Bloomfield, In. 47424 812-384-8516. Include child's name, parents name, age, birth date, sex, and phone number. Entry fee of $10 must accompany application. All checks made payable to Bloomfield Chapter Order of Eastern Star. All applications must be received by Sept. 26. Other contact people are Darlene Sims 812-384-8816 after 7 p.m. or Barb Stoner 812-360-5786
Beasley-Sims reunion
The Beasley-Sims reunion will be at noon Sept. 14 at the Raglesville Park.
Ice cream social
The Hendricksville Area Association will hold an ice cream social with live entertainment from 4 - 8 p.m. Saturday at the community center.
Linton Moose
The Linton Moose will hold a fish and shrimp dinner at 5 p.m. Saturday. Public invited.
Linton Moose
The Linton Moose will hold a MDA telethon from noon to 1 p.m. Aug. 3. An auction is also set for 1 p.m. Public invited.
James C. and Rhoda Camden Zhacher reunion
The Camden Zhacher family reunion will be at 12:30 p.m. Sept. 1 at the community building in the Worthington Town Park. Pitch-in dinner.
Greene County Solid Waste District
The Greene County Solid Waste Management Board will meet in executive session at 10:30 a.m. Sept. 2 following the county commissioner's meeting at the courthouse. Regular meeting to follow.
2008 Bloomfield yearbooks
2008 Bloomfield School District personalized yearbooks are now in. You may pick up your yearbook during school hours in the jr/sr high school library.
Blessed Hope revival
Blessed Hope Baptist Church will hold its revival Sept. 7 - 10-- with Glen Yoder as the special guest preacher Sept. 7, Pastor Lonnie Mattingly and Pastor Kevin Albert, on Sept. 8, 9 and wrap up with Blessed Hope's Pastor Emeritus Robert Ross on Sept. 10. Nursery care will be provided for each service. Blessed Hope Baptist Church is located south Jasonville, IN on State Rd. 59. Service times are Sunday school -- 9:30am; Sunday morning preaching -- 10:30am; and Sunday through Wednesday evening -- 7:00pm.
White River Valley Junior parents
The White River Valley Junior parents will meet at 7 p.m. today in room 110 at the high school to distribute discount cards.
Fifth Sunday community hymn sing
The Owensburg Baptist Church will host a community hymn sing at 2 p.m. Sunday.
Bedwell reunion
The Bedwell family reunion will be at noon on Sept. 6 at the west shelterhouse in Linton's Humphreys Park.
Worthington Jefferson Public Library
The Worthington Jefferson Township Public Library will meet at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 3 for a 2009 budget public hearing. A regular meeting will follow.
Randy Cowden in concert
Randy Cowden will be singing and playing gospel music at the Kentucky Ridge Church at 6: 30 p.m. Sunday. Everyone is welcome. Church is located on State Road 45 just 3 miles west of the Crane Gate. For more information call 812-325-7767.
Owensburg Cemetery Association
The Owensburg Cemetery Association annual meeting will be at 2 p.m. Sept. 14 in the Owensburg Fire Station Community Room. Donations may be mailed to: Owensburg Cemetery Association, P. O. Box 33, Owensburg IN 47453 For help with your questions: Call Morris Hudson 812-863-7924 or e-mail
LSHS Class of 1959
The Linton-Stockton High School class of 1959 will host its annual get-together at 6 p.m. on Saturday at the Linton Housing Authority building on 15th St. NW. Dress is casual.
LSHS Class of 1988 reunion
The Linton-Stockton High School class of 1988 reunion will be at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday at the Linton Elks. Cost is $15 (single) or $25 (couple). Doors open at 6:30 p.m. If you do not plan to attend, please go ahead and mail in your information sheets. There are about 40 persons remaining with no known mailing address. Future reunions, class announcements and reunion invitations will be made via e-mail and on the class Web site. For more information please contact David Benefiel at or Heather Steinsberger at (812) 847-4185.
Pro Life dinner
The Greene County Right to Life would like to invite everyone to its annual Pro-Life Dinner on Sept. 6 at 6 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus building, 450 E. St. NE, Linton, Indiana. Julie McMillan who teaches Post-Abortion Recovery classes in Bloomington will be the keynote speaker. Well-known gospel singer Judith Montgomery will provide the music. All political candidates are invited to attend this event. Tickets can be obtained at the Family Life Center in Bloomfield, Pregnancy Choices in Linton, from any Greene County Right to Life member, or at the door the night of the event for a donation of $10 for adults and $5 for children. If you have any questions, please contact Joyce Thomas at 384-4244.
Orman reunion
The Orman family reunion will be at noon Sept. 6 at the home of Donna (Orman) Fields, in rural Bloomfield. Call for directions at 384-4967.
Dishman Cemetery
The Dishman Cemetery annual business meeting is at 3 p.m. Sunday. at the Bethel Church on County Road 1250 East. Donations for repairs and upkeep can be made to Betty West, Rural Route 1, Box 980, Springville. Ind., 47462.
CWA Local 4711 Union picnic
The CWA Local 4711 Union picnic will be at noon Sept. 7 at the Vincennes Eagles Park on Willow Street. Meat will be provided. Please bring a covered dish.
Bloomfield class of 2003 reunion
Bloomfield High School Class of 2003 will host its five-year reunion Oct. 4 at 8 p.m. at the American Legion in Bloomfield. Please RSVP by Sept. 4. Cost is $10 per person and should be mailed to Kelly Gillespie at P.O. Box 512, Bloomfield, Ind., 47424. You can contact Kelly at
Future Vision for Greene County
-- Public Open House
An open house for the future vision of Greene County will be from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. today at 4-H Center. The community is invited to review and comment on goals and objectives for the growth and future development of Greene County.
Distinguished Shakamak Alumni
The JHS-SHS Alumni is taking nominations for this year's Distinguished Alumni. Please nominate any alumni you feel have distinguished themselves and their school through a service or contribution to community, country or mankind. You may re-nominate any alumni whom has not previously received the award. Please send a short biography and explanation of the nominee's qualifications to P.O. Box 6, Jasonville, Ind., 47438. Nominations must be received by Sept. 13.
Perennial Exchange
The fall plant swap will be Saturday at the group camp mess hall at Shakamak State Park. The day begins at 7 a.m. with a continental breakfast and plant swap. Ryan Cummins and Karen Whorall will speak. Charge for half a day is $5 for the entire day it's $10. Registration and memberships forms are available at the Jasonville Utility Office and The Jasonville Independent or by calling Charlotte Thomas at 665-2655.
Homecoming softball
The 26th annual Jasonville-Shakamak High School Alumni Softball Tournament will be Sept. 27-28. If you are an alumni and want to play, registration deadline is Sept. 13 to form teams. If your class does not form a team by this date, your class cannot play in this year's tournament. Additional registration forms may be found at Casey's General Store in Jasonville. For more information, call Nancy Enstrom at 665-2282.
JHS-SHS Alumni Banquet
The Jasonville-Shakamak High School Alumni Banquet will be Sept. 27 at 6 p.m. The deadline for reservations is Sept. 13. Additional alumni letters may be found at the Jasonville Casey's General Store. For more information, call Nancy Enstrom at 665-2282.
Jasonville parade, flea market
The 51st annual Jasonville-Shakamak High School homecoming parade will be Sept. 27 at 1 p.m. in Jasonville. This year's theme is "Jasonville-150 Years and Still Going Strong." For parade entry information contact Daryla Miller at 495-6584. There will be a flea market beginning that morning. For vendor information, contact Joy Thomasson at 665-2584.
Kid's Fair
The 14th annual Kid's Fair will be from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Sept. 13 at the White River Valley High School gym in Switz City.
Paxton Grade School reunion
The Paxton Grade School reunion will be at 10:30 a.m. Sunday at the Carlisle Community Center. A pitch-in lunch will be at noon, and drinks will be provided.
Memory Makers Quilt Guild
The Memory Makers Quilt Guild of Greene County will meet at 6:30 p.m. today at the Bloomfield Library -- located at 125 S. Franklin St. Joan Baumann will host.
Linton trash pick-up reminder
Trash for pickup in the city Linton needs to be in place by 6 a.m. The schedule will change because of school and weather and having the trash out early will ensure pickup.
White River Valley Antique Association
The White River Valley Antique Association will host its annual antique show Sept. 5 at the Daviess County Fairgrounds in Elnora.
Free sign language class
The Worthington-Jefferson Township Library will offer a sign language 16-week course which will meet at 6 p.m. on Thursdays starting Sept. 4. There is no charge for the class but participants are required to purchase the book. To register or find out book information call Keith Bellinger at 798-6107.
Scotland Festival parade
Entries are now being accepted for the Scotland Festival Parade scheduled for 3 p.m. Sept. 20. Any individual, organization or business can participate. Contact David Stone at 863-7382 or Allen Toon at 863-2364.
Scotland Festival
The Scotland Festival is Sept. 20 and the festival committee is looking for craft vendors. If you are interested contact Brenda Massette at 863-2874 or by e-mail at
UMWA retiree dinner
The UMWA retiree dinner will be at 6 p.m. on Sept. 13 at the Roy Clark Community Building in Linton's Humphreys Park. RSVP by Aug. 22 to Herman Klass at 875-3543 or John Klass at 665-2066.
Home-Canning Workshop
A Home-Canning Workshop will be at 6 p.m. today in the Sandborn First Christian Church kitchen. Karel Kirschner of Knox County Purdue Extension will present a hands-on workshop to teach the basics of home canning, featuring tomato salsa in a hot-water canning bath, and green beans in the pressure canner. This workshop is for anyone who's interested in learning how to safely preserve fruits and vegetables at home. There will be recipes and canning tips available, and participants will be able to see what supplies and equipment are recommended for home canning. Space is limited to 12 participants, the cost per person is $3 to cover supplies. Contact Peggy Taylor at 694-8499 to register (before Aug. 22) so that enough supplies for each participant can be arranged. The church is located at 118 North Anderson Street, Sandborn.
Worthington Yard Sales
Worthington's "Around the Town" yard sale day will be Saturday and the Worthington Lions Club is preparing a map of sale locations that will be distributed on the day of the sale. To include a location before the deadline on Aug. 21, call 875-3209 or 875-3746.
Peltier reunion
The Peltier family reunion will be Sunday at the FOP building on Park Road in Linton. Pitch-in dinner at 1 p.m. with table service provided.
York Reunion
The York family reunion will be Saturday with dinner at 12:30 p.m. at the Stoll's Country Inn in Linton.
Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District
Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District has its monthly meeting the first Thursday of each month at 6 a.m. in the conference room at the office located at 104 CR 70 E, Suite B. (1st bldg on the right, 1st office on the right) The Public is welcome to attend. Contact: Deborah Lynn at (812) 384-4781 Ext. 3 or for more information.
Habitat taking applications
Greene County Habitat for Humanity is currently set to build a home in Linton. It is taking applications for those who are interested in the home. Applications can be picked up at Linton City Hall in the Utility Office; the Linton Public Library; all Bloomfield State Bank locations. The deadline is Friday.
Plant sale
Plant sale in Worthington Garden Club is hosting a plant sale during the Worthington Town Wide Yard Sale Saturday. Stop by 104 W. Main Street between 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
LSHS Class of 1948
The Linton-Stockton High School Class of 1948 is seeking information on Mary Filkner, Betty Jo Morrison, Bill Mitchell and Mary Lou Landis for a class book. If you have any information contact Virginia Hawkins Lee at 847-7847 or Joan Marty Jones at 847-4020.
Union Alumni dinner
The 35th annual Union High School alumni dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 27 in the school gym. Tickets are $15. Reservations can be mailed to UHS Alumni Association, Box 155, Dugger, Ind., 47848.
Little Mr. and Miss Scotland
The Scotland Festival is sponsoring a Little Mr. and Miss Scotland contest for boys and girls ages 3, 4 and 5. The child must be at least 3 years of age and not more than 5 years old on Aug. 31 to be eligible. Children will be judged in three categories: Appearance, personality and show and tell. Children's interviews will be Sept. 15 at the Old Hotel in Scotland. The winners will be announced at the Scotland Festival on Sept. 20. Call Janet Merkel at 863-7787 or Denise Merkel at 863-7425 to register your child.
Grant funds available
Greene County Soil & Water Conservation district is redirecting Clean Water Indiana Grant Funds to provide assistance for sediment and nutrient flood damage projects not covered under Farm Service Agency or Natural Resource Conservation programs. For additional information contact the SWCD office at (812) 384-4781 ext. 3 or
Mosquito spraying in Switz City
The town of Switz City will spray for mosquitoes on Wednesdays. Rain dates are Thursdays. For information call 659-4466.
Mosquito spraying
The Bloomfield Street Department will spray for mosquitos on Wednesdays at approximately 8 or 8:30 p.m.
Switz City Volunteer Fire Department
The Switz City Volunteer Fire Department is sponsoring a fundraising program to raise money for needed equipment. In the coming weeks all homes in the area will receive a request for a mail-in contribution. If you do not receive the fire department mailing, please call the station at 659-3540 for further details.
Women's group to meet
A women's group will be held at the Worthington Assembly of God at 9 :30 a.m. on Sundays during the summer. During the school season, the group will meet from 10 a.m. - noon on the fourth Tuesday of each month. All women are welcome.
Vendors wanted
The Linton Farmer's Market is looking for vendors to sell their homegrown produce. The market is open on Saturdays from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the northeast corner of Humphreys Park. Contact Fran Abbott at city hall for applications at 847-7754.
Linton Community Share
Sign up for Linton Community Share at Linton City Hall on Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Lyons Senior Center Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Worthington Senior Center Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. May's regular menu is $16.
GED testing
GED testing for the General Equivalency Diploma (GED) is given on the second Tuesday and Wednesday of each month at the Greene County Community Learning Center housed at White River Valley High School. Those wishing to take the exam must register in person, one week prior to the exam and present three pieces of ID including one photo ID. Cost of the exam is $60 which must be paid at time of registration. For more information contact 659-3862
Worthington Playground Fund
The staff members and students at White River Valley-Worthington Elementary School are raising funds to replace playground equipment in memory of former principal the late Larry Catron. Donations of all amounts are being accepted and engraved bricks are being sold. Call 875-3839 for more information.
Saron Church of Christ
Saron Church of Christ and St. Peter Catholic Church have combined their food pantries. The Linton Community Food Pantry is located at 440 E. St. NE (the former St. Peter Food Pantry). The hours are 1-5 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays and 10 a.m. - noon on Saturdays. The St. Peter Thrift Shop will remain open at that location at the same hours.
Federal Black Lung assistance
Black Lung Benefits assistance counselors are available by appointment now at the Glenburn Community Center in Linton. For more information call Shelly Rigsby at 1-866-282-9553.
Lyons Senior Citizens center
The Lyons Senior Citizens Center, 150 N. Jefferson St., now has wooden toy crafts for sale. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Lyons First Christian Church youth group
The Lyons First Christian Church youth group meets at 6 p.m. on Mondays at the church's East Broad Street location.
Dugger Legion to meet
The Rexford Ballard American Legion Post 224 will meet the first and third Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m.
E-mail complaints
Linton residents can report problems with pot holes, street complaints and drainage issues by e-mailing them to
Jasonville Senior center update
The Jasonville Senior Citizen Center, located at 145 S. Lawton, has opened a country store and gift shop. It will be open from 9 a.m.-noon on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All proceeds will benefit the senior center. For more information, call the center at 665-9882.
Wig bank
The American Cancer Society announced its wig program is now being offered to cancer patients at Pam's Style Shop in Bloomfield. The program is a service of the American Cancer Society and is free to cancer patients. For more information, call Dona Stewart at 384-4160 or visit Pam's Style Shop, at 3 County Road 70 E.
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous will meet Saturdays at 7 p.m. at the Trinity Lutheran Church on State Road 54 East. There will be open discussion and all are welcome.
Food pantry
Lebanon Baptist Food Pantry will only be open on the fourth Thursday of each month from 6-7:30 p.m.
Bloomfield Food pantry
The Refuge Assembly of God food pantry will be open every Wednesday from 1-5 p.m. to assist those living in Bloomfield. To donate, please contact Trina at 384-8093 during the pantry's open hours.