UPDATED BREAKING NEWS: Fire engulfs Jasonville home Wednesday night

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Jasonville home was heavily damaged in a fire late Wednesday night.

Jasonville Fire Chief Harold Keller said the Rick Goggins residence on West Walnut Street (Rural Route 2) was engulfed in flames when they arrived on the scene.

The Jasonville Fire Department was dispatched to the scene at 11:17 p.m. Wright Township Volunteer Fire Department and Lewis Township Volunteer Fire Department provided mutual aid.

Keller said the modular home was "pretty well gutted" by the late night blaze.

"The whole top and inside was pretty well burned," Keller told the Greene County Daily World on Thursday morning.

Assistant fire chief Darren Sluder said the residence was about 75 percent involved when the first fire unit came on to the scene.

He said a neighbor noticed the flames and called the Greene County Sheriff's Department.

Sluder estimated the flames were at least 35 feet in the air at the height of the blaze. However, he said firefighters did a good job of knocking down the fire.

"We got a good knock down. To have such a knock down, I thought we did a good job with it," Sluder said. "All of the structure is standing, but it's gutted."

Both Keller and Sluder said the cause of the fire has not yet been determined, but they do not suspect foul play to be involved.

They hope to make a determination after the fire scene is surveyed during the daylight hours on Thursday.

The home occupants were not at home when the fire broke out, Sluder added.

Units from the fire departments were back on station at 2:16 a.m. Thursday, according to the sheriff's department log.

No injuries were reported.

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  • I just drove by there and the house is a total loss.

    -- Posted by dorindaJ on Wed, Aug 27, 2008, at 11:03 PM
  • As I too have been through a house fire, may God bless the inhabitants...

    -- Posted by an_educator on Wed, Aug 27, 2008, at 11:55 PM
  • At least no one was hurt.I feel so bad for the family.

    -- Posted by am1982 on Thu, Aug 28, 2008, at 8:07 AM
  • The Bibleway Church - Pentecostals of Linton, would be glad to assist in any way possible. I apologize that I did not see this article sooner. We have provisions set back for "Burnout Victims" that can be accessed through the local Police and Fire Departments or directly by the individuals themselves. If the Rick Goggins family is in need of clothing, shoes, linens, and personal hygiene items we can assist. We also have a food bank that we can assist the family with as well. Please feel free to contact the Youth Pastor (Matthew B. Montgomery) at 1-812-798-4852 if you are in need of these items. We will pray that God watches over your family and Blesses you.

    -- Posted by MBM on Mon, Sep 1, 2008, at 7:58 PM
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