UPDATED BREAKING NEWS: Marty Walters back in court; files motion to have body exhumed

Friday, January 23, 2009

Convicted murderer Marty Walters, of Linton, was back in Greene Superior Court for a brief time Friday -- long enough to formally dismiss his legal counsel and file numerous motions related to his guilty plea in the death of Robert Gillett on May 24, 1993.

Among the motions pending in the case is a motion to have the body of Steven Wayne Baker exhumed. Baker, who was implicated by Walters in the attack on Gillett, died April 16, 2006 and is buried at Fairview Cemetery in Linton. He was 52 years old and is Walters' brother-in-law.

After the brief hearing, Walters told the Greene County Daily World that he filed the motion Jan. 9 to exhume Steven Baker's body because he believes that blood and DNA samples taken from the Gillett residence may be matches to Baker and asked his body be exhumed for testing.

"Steve Baker was never tested and I don't know if there is DNA there to link him or not because he was a pretty slick character. But we'll never know if we don't do this," Walters said before exiting the courtroom.

Baker was given immunity from prosecution in the case in exchange for information about Walters' involvement. Walters contends Baker was a co-conspirator and he alleges that it was Baker who went back to the Gillett home and carried out the brutal beating that lead to the elderly man's death.

"He played the state as fools and it looks like they don't want that to come out," Walter said.

Walter, who is serving a 48-year prison term for murder and 10 years for burglary at New Castle Correctional Facility, appeared before special Judge William Sleva from Lawrence County.

Walters, 44, is seeking post-conviction relief to be released from Department of Corrections custody prior to his current release date of June 4, 2013.

He was sentenced by former Greene Superior Court Judge J. David Holt after entering a guilty plea as part of a negotiated plea agreement on May 11, 1994.

The post conviction relief hearing actually started Nov. 21, 2008 and was continued until Friday by order of the judge.

However, the court proceedings on Friday morning only lasted about 10 minutes.

Judge Sleva granted a motion by Walters' attorney -- Karen Strueh -- who requested to withdraw from the case because "the attorney-client relationship between counsel and the defendant has completely broken down."

She has served on the case since November 2008.

Walters, according to court documents, had requested the dismissal of Strueh from his case for what he described as "divided loyalties."

Strueh, who had been appointed as Public Defender in the case, advised the court that she had turned over to the court the following motions filed on behalf of Walters: Motion to Recall Witnesses, Motion for Subpoena Witnesses, Supplemental Pleadings to Petitioner's Post Conviction Relief, Motion to Vacate Guilty Plea; and Request for Production of Documents to a Party.

Judge Sleva also denied a motion for the appointment of a lay advocate on Walters' behalf.

In his petition to the court, Walters asked that Kenny Faust, a Department of Correction inmate with 20 years experience in the study of law and litigation, be appointed as his advocate.

The judge quickly denied the motion saying, "I can not legally do that. It's against the rules. It can't be done. It would be my authorizing an unauthorized practice of law."

Sleva explained that a defendant can only be represented by a licensed lawyer or he could represent himself.

Sleva continued, "Right now you don't have counsel. You are more than welcome to represent yourself. That is a right you have."

He added, "I would strongly suggest you not represent yourself because of the complex issues in this case."

The judge acknowledged that he might have difficulty finding a Public Defender from inside Greene County willing to take on this case and he possibly would have to seek a qualified public defender from either Monroe or Lawrence counties.

As a first step, he will contact the State Public Defender's office in Indianapolis to see if they would take the case.

Walters interjected that he had been previously represented for about 12 years by a State Public Defender before they withdrew.

The defendant then tried to talk with the judge about his reasoning for wanting a lay advocate appointed, but Sleva quickly replied, "It's not going to happen because it can't. It can't and won't happen."

The judge also stated, "We can't proceed without counsel -- that is in your best interest."

Walters, a former kickboxing champion, told the Judge that he would be willing to serve as his own lawyer if a public defender can't be found.

"If you can't find anybody I will be happy to do this," he stated.

Judge Sleva then dismissed the proceedings and said a date to resume the hearing would be set after new counsel is found and they have sufficient time to prepare for the hearing.

After the hearing, Walters said he "was more disappointed that anyone can understand" that the proceeding on Friday morning was cut short with little action.

Before he left, he stated in a calm soft voice, "After you say it for so long, I guess people get tired of hearing it. But I didn't kill Mr. Gillett. I did not kill him. ... This is a shame."

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  • He should not of plead guilty then huh!!!

    -- Posted by PROUD_MOMMY09 on Fri, Jan 23, 2009, at 12:28 PM
  • He needs that one judge she will set him free..

    -- Posted by Dtown on Fri, Jan 23, 2009, at 2:32 PM
  • "Shouldn't have plead guilty"????

    Have you ever been in this situation? Do you even remember when this happened? I do, he had no other choice than to please guilty. His family (in-laws) turned their backs on him and sold him out. He could either plead guilty, take a lesser conviction or go before a trial & they would get him for the rest of his life. The state trusted his brother-in-laws who in most peoples opinions were the master minds of the whole thing. Sure Mr. Walters was wrong to be involved in the robbery, he admits to that, he is just saying he didn't kill the guy. He was a champion kick boxer for crying out loud! He wouldn't have had to beat someone to death to kill them.

    Mr. Walters has been through enough, important people in his life have passed away (including his own child) that he never got to see much or talk to. He didn't get to watch his chidren grow up. Yes, he should have paid for robbery, that would have been fair. But to take the blame for the murder, in my opinion is too much.

    Find the guy an attorney who isn't afraid to take this case on. Help him prove himself. That is all he is asking for anyway.

    -- Posted by GreeneCoGirl88 on Fri, Jan 23, 2009, at 3:14 PM
  • I agree proud mommy...I don't understand why you would plead guilty to any crime much less one of this nature if you aren't guilty.

    -- Posted by lintonite on Fri, Jan 23, 2009, at 4:19 PM
  • If you plead guilty to something then you are guilty no one twisted is arm or held him down and made him confess he did it on his own, and as pointed out many times he was a "champion kick boxer" no one forced him.

    GreeneCoGirl88 you said [quote]he had no other choice than to please guilty[endquote]

    Do you think Mr.Gillett had a choice as to wither he wanted to live or die no Walters took that choice away from him and admitted to it.

    He should spend the rest of him life in prison.

    -- Posted by chrisgoat on Fri, Jan 23, 2009, at 4:56 PM
  • I don't agree. I have seen how the law handles people. You can bet there was lot of screaming at Marty. The law have a way of making people "DO" what they want. If he's not guilty, He has the right to prove that. & If there is DNA involed. It needs to be brought out. If that is found to be the truth. Which of you will walk the other side of the street, when Marty walks by you. He was a very nice guy growing up. He Grandparents tryed very hard with him. So... We are not the law, & most diffently not God, So don't judge people. Before before you know the facts. Hopefuly, this will work it self out. If it does. & Marty is not guilty. How is going to stand up & say sorry to taking so much from him. If his brother inlaw did it. There is someone else that walked away, & no one can make him pay for taking a life.

    -- Posted by jasper on Fri, Jan 23, 2009, at 7:23 PM
  • 48 years for murder and 10 years for burglary...been in prison since 1993/94 and is getting out in 2013?

    -- Posted by newtogreene on Fri, Jan 23, 2009, at 8:30 PM
  • either way he will be out soon wheather it is in the time frame we want or in 2013 and then he will be able to live his life and brighten the lives of those around him like he did when he was in mine.

    -- Posted by gccitizen on Fri, Jan 23, 2009, at 9:09 PM
  • They say Justice is blind well if you are relatives or a personal friend to Mr.Walters then it is bind.

    But if you are family or a friend of Mr.Gillett

    Then Justice will never be severed as long as there is a chance of Walters getting released.

    He needs to spend the rest of his life in prison, and if it takes a new trial or DNA or whatever then it should be done.

    Only this time if he is found guilty then he should get life with out parole.

    After severing 15 years of a 58 year sentence you would think he would be more intelligent then that, but then again it didn't take much intelligences to kill a unarmed man in his own home for a few bucks.

    -- Posted by chrisgoat on Fri, Jan 23, 2009, at 10:26 PM
  • well its like this people you all didnt no him like i did he was a good person i dont think in my heart he done this alone if at all his exs farther in law said he didnt do this it seems they need to get to the real point maybe this guy was scared for his own life maybe or maybe he was threatened for his life who nows i no marty when he went to church with me back when but wether whats right or wrong someone needs to listen to him people wanna judge people they dont no just only what the news says take your own case marty get it out of the county all they wanna do is get a covictions just who ever theres alot of people that go to prison on lies and dont forget are finest informants that are in troubles thereself just to get there ownselfs out its sad if this guy did not do really do this think about it this is sad that this happened but someone needs to listen

    -- Posted by rocker on Fri, Jan 23, 2009, at 10:32 PM
  • i think they need that dna period

    -- Posted by rocker on Fri, Jan 23, 2009, at 10:34 PM
  • It seems lots of people plead guilty when they are given a public defender (not that public defenders are bad attorney's, but face it, money causes one to work much harder on one's case if you get my drift) because money has ran out or because they didn't have any to begin with for proper counsel, especially when they are being advised that to go to jury trial and lose even if not guilty they could be punished worse than if they take a plea because they are also told that if they take the plea the judge usually goes easier on sentencing for it saves the County money. This is JMO from watching someone go through the decision to either go to jury and try to prove innocence or take a plea which even tho. this person was innocent and wanted to fight the case but because of the shortage of money, he was advised to take the plea because the sentence would be much lighter than going to a jury and for some reason being found guilty, which does happen. The jails do have innocent people in them, they have found it to be so in many cases where dna proved their innocence at a later date. It's not so cut and dry as people have said, if your not guilty then don't plead guilty. Until you are in that position and warned about consequences of either taking a plea or going to a jury and taking your chances with them, you don't know what you would do unless you have the money to fight your case to the end. Sucks to be poor but the best thing would be not to be involved or associated with any crime to begin with and hope you are never a victim of mistaken idenity. I don't know Marty or anything about his case, I just wanted to speak about why someone might take a plea vs jury even tho. they are innocent. Thanks for listening.

    -- Posted by sassy12 on Fri, Jan 23, 2009, at 11:19 PM
  • a liar and a thief run hand in hand...

    -- Posted by tickedoff on Sat, Jan 24, 2009, at 12:11 AM
  • Sentences can run concurrent or consecutive. Concurrent means the sentences run at the same time. Consecutive means that one sentence is served and then the other starts. In Indiana an inmate earns "good time" if they behave. That means they get 2 days credit for every day served, cutting the sentence in half. They can also get time cuts by completing school or certain programs.

    Innocent people plea guilty every day. That's the way the system works. Unless you've been there, you just don't know what you would do. If you have never been put in that position, count your blessings and thank God. And, while you're at it, ask God to forgive you for judging others.

    -- Posted by kingbob1 on Sat, Jan 24, 2009, at 9:26 AM
  • huckfinnsgirl, without question I am most certain that I know the man you are referring to and that was indeed a complete travesty to say the least.

    -- Posted by dorindaJ on Sat, Jan 24, 2009, at 6:33 PM

    -- Posted by armymom on Sat, Jan 24, 2009, at 9:46 PM
  • Mr. Gillett was a good man and it's a shame that happened to him. I agree with chrisgoat....Marty Walters should spend the rest of his life in prison. At least he'll be living it...a chance Mr. Gillett didn't get.

    -- Posted by just_a_girl on Sat, Jan 24, 2009, at 10:18 PM
  • If there was more investigation I would bet that they would find out that Mr. Gillett was not the first man that Marty murdered. Just ask the state officials in Florida if he was not their number one suspect in a robbery turned to murder in Florida before he ran back to Indiana and killed Mr. Gillett.

    -- Posted by jamm on Sun, Jan 25, 2009, at 6:13 PM
  • I can tell by some of the response here that most of you don't even remember the crime or how it went down.

    But what I am saying is Mr. Walter DID NOT have a choice in his plea. He WAS forced to plead guilty and I hope none of you who think that impossible are never faced with that. I hope that you never make an unwise decision that puts you in a position to take the fall for other people.

    The murder happened when the "murderer" went back to the house a 2nd time, not during the initial robbery. Look up old newspaper articles to get the facts. Armymom...I don't think I ever recall Mr. Walters state that he never hit his wife...but what does that have to do with the murder of Mr. Gillett? There are wife beaters on every corner of America, but we aren't out there accusing them of murder. Mr. Walters has the right to have the DNA to prove that he did not committ this crime. What harm could it possibly do to allow him to have this done?

    It will show that he 1.) Did NOT committ the murder, 2.) Did NOT committ the murder ALONE, or 3.) He committed the murder.

    Anyway you look at it, why not just read the DNA. Why is everyone protecting Baker's body from being exhumed. Why would Mr. Walters want it exhumed so desperatley if he wasn't telling the truth.

    As far as would I walk on the other side of the street if Mr. Walter was walking down it? Heck, no. I would walk on the same side and even stop and chat with him for a while. He was a nice guy back when, he probably is still a nice guy. He was intelligent and probably still is, more so. There are alot of smart people out there that make stupid choices. His stupid choice was to be involved in the robbery anyway. He just trusted the wrong people.

    -- Posted by GreeneCoGirl88 on Mon, Jan 26, 2009, at 7:58 AM
  • i knew Marty and his sons Jeremiah and Elijah I grew up hanging with those boys, Do i feel sorry Marty did not get to attend the funeral of Elijah sure i do but I do not and will not feel sorry for him being in jail whether he did it or not he plead guilty whether or not he was coarsed he still opened his mouth and said yes I DID IT and that was his choice. If he is proven "innocent" i would not walk on the other side of the street but I still think whether he killed this innocent man he still had a part in it.... We are all allowed to have our own opinions and just because some of us feel he should get what he deserves does not make us anything but humans, there is no need to get hostile or rude..

    -- Posted by PROUD_MOMMY09 on Mon, Jan 26, 2009, at 9:57 AM
  • This is all just really sad (for the children) to have to read all this about their Father, Uncle, Grandpa. I can see why they would want their Father, Grandpa, or Uncle to just rest in peace. Why didn't Marty Bring all of this up while Steve was still alive? With his ex-wife being dead and his ex-brother-in-law being dead it just doesn't seem right! Marty should have done this while they were alive! he only has 4 years to serve of a 58 yr sentence let him learn the lesson. yes its alot of years of his life, he lost em! but he knew that when he signed the false statement that he did it. In 4 years he'll be 48 he should have learned his lesson about robbery, theft, honesty, and regret.

    -- Posted by lillymae on Tue, Jan 27, 2009, at 7:01 AM

    -- Posted by rocker on Thu, Jan 29, 2009, at 10:36 PM

    -- Posted by rocker on Thu, Jan 29, 2009, at 10:40 PM
  • maybe he was tryen to pretect his kids from things nobody really nows but god

    -- Posted by rocker on Sat, Jan 31, 2009, at 12:22 AM
  • I personally think that ALL INVOLVED should've served the same time and should've been in prison just like Marty is!! I'm wondering if anyone read the letter submitted to the paper by Richard Baker prior to his death? He is the FATHER of the other two people involved in this horrible crime and he was a good man! If you haven't I suggest you look it up!

    -- Posted by K'sMomma on Wed, Feb 6, 2013, at 12:50 PM
  • How do you find this letter ks momma?

    -- Posted by bradleycollett on Tue, Feb 12, 2013, at 11:31 PM
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