Jasonville Police Department has a new weapon

Friday, January 23, 2009

Police officers in Jasonville have some new equipment in their arsenal -- tasers.

Three officers with the Jasonville Police Department were recently certified to carry, and are now carrying, new taser electronic control devices.

Jasonville Assistant Police Chief Jim Gadberry and Officers Ryan Van Horn and Mike Ladson have each been equipped with an electronic control device known as Taser Model X26 and they have completed special training on the use of the devices.

On Monday, all three officers took part in a day-long training session with both classroom and hands-on instruction by a certified E.C.D./Taser instructor.

As part of the certification, at the end of the day of training, all of the officers experienced being tased in order to give them a better understanding of the equipment they'll be carrying.

Gadberry said the experience of being tased was an important one for the officers to have before they use a taser.

"All three officers were on the receiving end of the tasers during training which I think was a great experience for all. I personally found the recovery time one of the selling points of the device," said Gadberry. "We were tased during the middle of the class and each officer was back up and in learning mode in a matter of less than a minute with no side effects."

Gadberry said the Jasonville Police Department recognizes and respects the value and special integrity of each human life and the addition of taser equipment will help protect lives.

"By implementing the Taser X26 into our use of force policy, I know this small yet extremely effective device will save numerous physical confrontations with suspects. The taser will allow our officers to reasonably and effectively bring an incident under control while protecting the lives of our officers and our citizens," said Gadberry.

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  • billhess,

    you want to debate this one, too?

    -- Posted by pf_cii on Sat, Jan 24, 2009, at 3:59 AM
  • Billhess

    I will tell you the difference between pepper spray and the Taser. The taser will more likely stop a suspect. The pepper spray will not stop the fighting. Once you spray someone with the pepper spray it is in the air so usually everybody in the area gets it also. The taser only effects the body for 5 seconds and the body will be 100 percent again. The pepper spray will effect people for a lot longer time ie: running nose, and burning nose.

    The Taser is only a bad tool when missed used by law enforcement, so it should not be put down because of that.

    -- Posted by whocares on Sat, Jan 24, 2009, at 7:48 AM
  • Pepper spray fell under the same scrutiny 10 yrs ago. Studies on the effects on breathing, the whole "positional asphyxia" went on for years. While your cutting and pasting your little links bill, search some other things, like the number of police officers killed every year dealing with all those idiots out there. In Indiana alone 379 officers have died, 227 of them due to physical assault, gunshot, and stabbed. Now that's Indiana alone, so when you go pulling your number of death stats for pepper spray or taser, I know you'll have to have a broader search than that and won't come close to that number. So bill i hope that if you or any of the other critics become a victim of a violent crime, you first request that the police bring their imaginary pepper spray, imaginary taser, and imaginary bullets so they do not hurt that bad guy while saving your ignorant behind.

    -- Posted by letsbehonest on Sat, Jan 24, 2009, at 8:03 AM
  • Just What We Need More Out Of Control Police Officer's With A New Toy.

    -- Posted by Ramhead on Sat, Jan 24, 2009, at 9:46 AM
  • Bill, your first post says nothing of the sort, there was no question for comparison, only links to "negative" media in regards to tasers. So sugarcoat it as you may try, your intitial post was just plain negative propaganda. And as for meathead or ramhead, I wish police had a "moron" list, so that people like yourselves that are so anti-police/fire/ems could make it known that you don't need there help so they can focus on the citizens that appreciate what they do...

    -- Posted by letsbehonest on Sat, Jan 24, 2009, at 10:35 AM
  • But to humor you bill, we will act as if you did ask to be informed. So I give you the following info that could be found with the same search engine you used for your original post. Read away...

    Pepper spray, also known as OC spray (from "Oleoresin Capsicum"), OC gas, and capsicum spray, is a lachrymatory agent (a chemical compound that irritates the eyes to cause tears, pain, and even temporary blindness) that is used in riot control, crowd control, and personal self-defense, including defense against dogs and bears. It is a less lethal agent that may be deadly in rare cases. As of 1995, the American Civil Liberties Union documented 26 individuals subject to police action who died following exposure to pepper spray, equivalent to one fatality for every 600 police uses. In none of these cases was pepper spray listed as the cause of death, but it is unclear whether it may have been a contributing factor in some cases.

    A Taser is an electroshock weapon that uses electrical current to disrupt voluntary control of muscles. Its manufacturer, Taser International, calls the effects "neuromuscular incapacitation" [1] and device's mechanism "Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD) technology" [2]. Someone struck by a Taser experiences stimulation of his or her sensory nerves and motor nerves resulting in strong involuntary muscle contractions. Tasers do not rely on pain compliance, and are thus preferred by some law enforcement over non-Taser stun guns and other electronic control weapons.

    -- Posted by letsbehonest on Sat, Jan 24, 2009, at 12:07 PM
  • Bill I agree with you, tasers are serious weapons and have proved that they carry serious consequences. I believe a man was killed in Monroe County at the jail, in the drunk tank, not so long ago. I cant say that I have ever heard of anyone around here getting sprayed and dieing.

    -- Posted by nutzz6934 on Sat, Jan 24, 2009, at 12:55 PM
  • I like to watch the reality "cop" shows. Not just the original "Cops" but also the other ones out there now. And I have seen NUMEROUS time where a cop has pepper sprayed a drugged up - on a rage- out of control individual. And the pepper spray never even slowed them down. Numerous times, that same cop is then attacked (sometimes severly) because it only enrages the individual more. But by golly, I bet that taser would stop them!!! I doubt if there are any statistics out there that show how many times a cop is attacked after the initial pepper spray, but I bet it's often. When they are that drugged up and out of control, do you REALLY think a little burning of the nose and watery eyes is going to stop them? Would you rather the cops shoot them or taser them? I think the taser would be a lot less damaging.

    The police force put their lives on the line for us daily. Everyone is so worried about the criminal... let's worry about the cops safety too!

    -- Posted by Rambler 85 on Sat, Jan 24, 2009, at 1:01 PM
  • billhess and nutzz6934,

    Regarding your info on the death in Monroe County, maybe you should ask the forensic pathologist, Dr. Roland Korr about the Taser and it's "death" rate. Dr. Korr is the forensic pathologist for this area. He credited the death in Monroe County to the Taser. Well, Taser took Korr to court and it was determined and ruled that the Taser was NOT the cause of death. I believe now Dr. Korr was ordered by the court to write "forums" in medical magazines regarding the Taser and it's non fatal effects.

    -- Posted by guesswho77 on Sat, Jan 24, 2009, at 3:19 PM
  • How should we deal with criminals thats out of control? Didnt we start out with a stick and beat on them? But thats cruel. Shooting them oh thats just to much. Pepper spray usually subdues all partys in close range and more effective it seems on the police. And now the tazer, unlike a bullit its very unlikely to kill anyone, I mean people on the internet love to get shot and post there videos of this oh so cruel action. Theres a thing called common sense, I have never even come close to being arrested myself but there needs to be consequences for people that do and maybe they would understand if you fallow the rules the police are your friends.

    -- Posted by Dtown on Sat, Jan 24, 2009, at 9:13 PM
  • Would not be smart to use mace then a taser. Mace can catch fire. Proof again a lot of people that comment on these stories dont have a clue about it

    -- Posted by whocares on Sun, Jan 25, 2009, at 7:35 AM
  • I've never had it done because I'm a good guy but. A Taser looks to me like it would hurt real bad. I see it on cops all the time and them guys don't get up real quick after that. But with my heart problems and having a mechanical valve in my heart it would just zap me dead.

    -- Posted by dkbuskirk on Sun, Jan 25, 2009, at 8:20 AM
  • I know you find this hard to believe, billhess, but I am also a TASER Instructor.

    To start with the fact that a taser, a baton, and mace are all considered less-lethal, meaning they are less likely to be lethal than a firearm. Secondly, people should consider the reduced risk of ijnury to suspects and law enforcement. A taser is a lot less likely to cause permanent injuries. The numbers dont lie, you can always find a naysayer to question anything. I dont put a lot of stock in Amnesty Int'l or those types of organizations. Ask any law enforcement officer who had experienced a TASer use, and they will swear by them. Everything has a risk, even walking. However, no death has been ruled caused by a TASER, NONE, NOT ONE! Yes, they have been ruled as factors that may have contributed to them, along with other things, such as lethal doses of drugs.

    Just one other fact, the electricity in a TASER is complicated, that is why we are all not electricians, but do this find out what is SOOO DANGEROUS about 50,000 volts and let me know. Oh by the way, compare those 50,000 to a VAN DEGRAAFF Generator.

    Also, look up a medical condition that is being explored by University of Miami called excited delirium.

    -- Posted by pf_cii on Sun, Jan 25, 2009, at 9:53 AM
  • Not sure, but if your opinion reflects your links, then youve said plenty.

    -- Posted by pf_cii on Sun, Jan 25, 2009, at 2:07 PM
  • I strongly agree that the TASER should be used with careful consideration and training, very strongly. Just a couple of caveats, though....

    You wonder where the sidetracks come from.. re-read your links on your first post and then assume that people think that is your stance, after all you posted them here.

    Secondly, in your 7' man vs. 100# girl scenario....

    There is not enough info to resopond to that. However, just at facve value.... What would you have the officers do? Pepperspay her? What if that did not work? I have seen it. Then what? escalate to the TASER and risk catching her on fire? Not in any policy I have seen written.

    If the level of resistance met by a offender requires a certain amount of force, using the APPROPRIATE amount, not more not less, reduces the likleyhood of unnecessary injury. The key to that phrase is the word unnecessary. Not injury, becuase if it is physical, someone is going to get hurt.

    What if your 100# girl is cutting her wrists with a razor blade? Should we just wait until she is done and clean up the mess?

    Mr. Hess, I do agree with you the answer to TASER Usage is proper training, education, and useage. However that is not the philosophy introduced in any of the four articles you posted, trust me, I read them 3x...

    -- Posted by pf_cii on Sun, Jan 25, 2009, at 3:15 PM
  • it seems as though pf_cii can't even admit what his fellow officers already know:


    It seems as though word games are what he likes, no death has ever been RULED caused by a taser, yes a factor. Like I would feel better just being a factor in someones death.:


    Not only that his info is outdated, for an instructor he sure doesn't keep up with the times, here is a 7 month old story:


    I'm sure he will play word games and say well it was only ruled 85% the cause.

    I would feel alot better with officers that recognized the dangers admitted them and were trained to avoid them. It is clear that this trainer refuses to do that.He won't even admitt any possible problems.

    -- Posted by willygetthere on Sun, Jan 25, 2009, at 9:20 PM
  • -- Posted by pf_cii on Mon, Jan 26, 2009, at 2:54 AM
  • The TASER Device is a tool. It has went though changes in recent history. The Daisy Chain method that caused officer injury in training is no longer employed, it was a flaw in the training program. It was not a reselmbence of tactical or field use, it was a method to officer numerous voluteers an exposure to TASER.

    My opinion is this: The TASER is a less lethal use of force option. It can be used to reslove comflicts were other options may or may not work. The TASER device itself is a good tool. If misused by people, that is not a flaw in the TASER. It is a flaw of people, which has always been and will continue to be a problem.

    Also the link below shows a Appelate Court Decison regarding the decision in the case against TASER being revered.

    -- Posted by pf_cii on Mon, Jan 26, 2009, at 3:20 AM
  • Again, everyone sympathizing with the bad guy, lets not give any thought to those 379 police officer deaths at the hands of the bad guy that I mention before, again repeating that 227 of them came from gunshot, assault, and stabbing. So again I say I hope that if you or any of the other critics become a victim of a violent crime, you first request that the police bring their imaginary pepper spray, imaginary taser, and imaginary bullets so they do not hurt that bad guy while saving your ignorant behinds. pf_cii you should know by now when you took that oath that there were gonna be critics, anti-police, your always there when they don't want you, then when they do want you, you never get there fast enough. I say take these same critics and house them in some of our prisons in general population for awhile and when they come out they may appreciate you a little more, you and a cushioned seat! LOL

    -- Posted by letsbehonest on Mon, Jan 26, 2009, at 7:26 AM
  • And like pf_cii said earlier, walking down the sidewalk can be dangerous, so we should ban sidewalks so that 70 yr old woman doesn't brake a hip. And as for the 8 yr old boy, lets dig up how many 8 yr olds die or get hurt by skateboards or better yet lets talk about the toddlers that drown in pools. Heck by the time you "comment forum lawyers" get done, it'l be to dangerous to breath! Bottom line is you began the forum by posting links to tazer "related" deaths, then asked a question, so you were setting the mark by bringing up the negative right off the bat. I think you need to get with your local police dept. and see if they have a ride along program, ride with these guys, don't watch it on tv (COPS), ride with these guys and try taking a dose of life from their angle. Over worked, under paid, and thanks to ppl like you, unappreciated...

    -- Posted by letsbehonest on Mon, Jan 26, 2009, at 8:39 AM
  • Why are we concerned, these people are criminals, cops are trying not to kill them!(Less Lethal) If you are a Law abiding citizen, you have nothing to worry about. Cops dont just run up and taze someone at Walmart for the fun of it then set back and watch you flop then laugh because it is so much fun. It sure beats the cops killing someone if they dont have too!

    Tazer shot burst last 5 seconds only, no longer with very minimal side effects. It is so safe that each and every cop cariing one has to be tazed too!

    Better to be tazed and alive then shot by a .40 cal and be dead!

    -- Posted by SEAL on Mon, Jan 26, 2009, at 9:45 AM
  • They have good training, traveled to Jasper for the schooling and passed.

    It is a win, win situation!

    -- Posted by SEAL on Mon, Jan 26, 2009, at 12:43 PM
  • Your best bet would be to not get yourself in a situation where a trained officer would have to make the decision in a matter of seconds whether or not to use such force as a taser, pepper spray or any such object. If people all behaved, officers wouldn't need "tools" like these to assist them.

    -- Posted by chooselife on Mon, Jan 26, 2009, at 2:10 PM
  • well if your wanting the pepper spray used before the taser, take into consideration this....pepper spray burns and irritates for sometimes over an hour after being sprayed, the taser from whats said in the artical and from other information has an almost instantanious recovery time. So I dunno bout you, but from a bad guy perspective or just plain common sense if I have a choice of being tased and back on my feet within minutes or pepper sprayed and have burning and irritation for hours, I'm thinking tase me!?!?

    -- Posted by letsbehonest on Mon, Jan 26, 2009, at 2:19 PM
  • Tase me don't spray me lol

    But these criminals really don't get a say so in tase or spray they are gonna get whatever the officer/s can get to the fastest

    -- Posted by PROUD_MOMMY09 on Fri, Jan 30, 2009, at 10:06 AM
  • to tase or not to tase that is the question

    -- Posted by PROUD_MOMMY09 on Fri, Jan 30, 2009, at 10:07 AM

    -- Posted by localyokal on Sat, Jan 31, 2009, at 5:35 AM
  • -- Posted by ur-a-mentalmidget on Wed, Feb 4, 2009, at 3:31 AM
  • At what point do we as a society start to think about the officers wanting to do the right thing and use the most effective means to control a situation, without having to listen to the bleeding heart crap. they are called criminals for a reason, they wouldn't think twice about how to hurt someone or the effects that it would have on that victim or their family... wake up world before you lose everything you have

    -- Posted by ur-a-mentalmidget on Wed, Feb 4, 2009, at 3:34 AM
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