Linton native planning volunteer work/study trip to Europe in June

Monday, April 13, 2009
Brittany Bland

A Linton native, who is a student at Indiana University in Bloomington, is about to embark on a four-week learning and volunteering adventure in Europe.

Brittany Bland, a 2008 graduate of Heritage Hills High School in Spencer County, has been selected to represent the United States in an international volunteer program this summer.

The 19-year-old student, who attended the Linton-Stockton School District until she was in the 11th grade, is majoring in tourism management at IU and says the experience she will gain on the trip will be important to her future career.

Brittany is the daughter of Beverley and Mike Fisher and Danny and Gretchen Bland -- all of Linton.

The group Bland will be with through the International Student Volunteers, Inc. will be working in a conservation and social community development program in Croatia, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro for four weeks starting June 26.

She has committed to a minimum of 120 hours of volunteer work in projects throughout Eastern Europe.

"The first two weeks are strictly community work depending on which project I get assigned to, but from looking at the brochures it's building buildings for the community," she said.

She will receive academic credit for her participation in this program.

The trip will expose Bland to environmental and cultural issues and provide hands-on, practical experience on conservation work.

During the first two weeks her team will live within the local community and gain practical experience in areas such as teaching English, constructing homes and/or community facilities, and developing recreational programs for children. She will receive valuable education in the socio-economic challenges of those who live in developing countries and communities.

The second two weeks of the trip will involve what is being called an "adventure tour," Bland told the Greene County Daily World on Monday.

Participants will travel through the mountains of the Slovenian Alps before hitting the rolling plains of northern Croatia and heading south towards the Dalmatian Coast, its Mediterranean islands and a seven-day sailing adventure. They will explore sites such as Plitvice Lakes National Park, a magical world of lakes and waterfalls, the Diocletian's Palace, built in 295AD, and the fortified Old Towns of Dubrovnik and Trogir.

In addition, there will be mountain biking around Lake Bled and Bovec; hydrospeeding on the Soca River; caving in underground karstic systems; discovering the historic Old Towns of Zagreb and Dubrovnik; a two-day kayaking adventure on the Zrmanja River; rock climbing on limestone cliffs around Omis; and canyoning in the Cetina River gorge.

Bland is seeking contributions to help cover the estimated $5,000 cost in the trip.

Bland explained that she has solicited financial assistance from a variety of family members to make this dream trip become a reality.

"We have been contacting. This was kind of a last-minute decision. We weren't sure if I was going to be able to go," she said. "This is something I've been wanting to do. I've always wanted to go to Europe. But it's kind of like mission work too. I'll be meeting new people.

"I just really hope this goes well and I will be blessed."

If you are interested in donating to Bland's trip expenses, please contact her by calling (812) 847-2023, or by e-mail at .

More information about the trip can be found at .

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  • Ms.Bland, congratulations on your great opportunity. I studied abroad for 6 months and in that time, there are a couple of things that were great money savers that you might consider:

    Get an International Student ID card. Your advisor or your contact through the program should be able to tell you where you can go to get one. As a student, you get discounts on fees for sightseeing, sometimes travel expenses (bus and train fare) and discounts for meals and lodging.

    Second, although you will be with a group of people, do not forget that many Europeans think Americans are "loud and obnoxious" -- someone actually said to me, "I can't believe you're an American -- You must be Canadian -- you're too quiet and mannerly to be an American." It surprised me that people thought of us that way, so try to dispell that stereotype while you're there!

    Finally, this will be the trip of your life. You're young, full of energy, curiosity, and hope. This will be a life-changing trip, no doubt, and you will remember each and everything you do. Be careful, be safe, do not wander away from your group, and don't miss any opportunity to see or experience something. Europe and Europeans are completely different culturally than we are. Americans have significant personal space around us, Europeans do not. Many are more affectionate or stand closer than we're used to. Don't worry. It usually means you smell better than the the other people they could be standing next to! LOL

    Have a GREAT trip!

    -- Posted by Greenee on Mon, Apr 13, 2009, at 5:18 PM
  • Wow how exciting I am wishing you the best of luck... And have a safe trip don't wonder off alone We all want you to have a wonderful time while you are there but we also all want you to come home safe.. GOOD LUCK and take lots of pictures maybe you can have another story in the paper and tell us all about your adventures..

    -- Posted by PROUD_MOMMY09 on Tue, Apr 14, 2009, at 9:33 AM
  • Congrats! Nice to see children of people I went to school with doing so great. Be careful. Hopeful they will do an interview when you get home!!!!

    -- Posted by caringmom on Tue, Apr 14, 2009, at 12:53 PM
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