Greene County man injured after he's run over by his own car in Bedford

Monday, April 13, 2009

BEDFORD -- A 22-year-old Jasonville man was flown to Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis on Saturday evening after being run over by his own car in Bedford.

According to report from the Bedford Police Department, William T. Hilderbrand II told police he was on the passenger side of his 2005 Chrysler PT Cruiser, trying to release the parking brake.

The vehicle was parked in a private driveway at 2512 Washington Ave., where the accident happened at 4:10 p.m.

Upon releasing the brake, Hilderbrand told police that he inadvertently put the car in reverse.

"When the vehicle began rolling backward, Hilderbrand fell and was run over by the PT Cruiser," the report stated.

Hilderbrand complained of pain to his chest, leg, ankle and pelvis, according to the report.

Investigating officer James Fiscus reported that Hilderbrand had a tire tread impression across his chest and scrapes to his back with his most severe injury to his chest.

A Bedford Regional Medical Center ambulance initially took Hilderbrand to Dunn Memorial Hospital's emergency room. Then, he was flown to Methodist Hospital by an air ambulance.

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  • is that the fiscus that shot the dog in worthington

    -- Posted by notdumb on Tue, Apr 14, 2009, at 5:43 AM
  • Good thing he doesn't drive a Hummer.

    -- Posted by Question? on Tue, Apr 14, 2009, at 7:09 AM
  • notdumb

    What does that have to do with anything? He is a cop doing what he is supposed to do. Protect people like you.... Besides the dog was in Bloomfield not Worthington.

    -- Posted by Aug on Wed, Apr 15, 2009, at 11:08 AM
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