Excise police nab pair after alleged parking lot liquor transaction

Monday, April 13, 2009

Two Linton men -- one 21-years-old and the other 20-years-old -- are being summoned into court after excise police observed a transaction in a liquor store parking lot and said it appeared the older one was buying alcohol for the younger one.

Preliminary charges filed Monday in Greene Superior Court included recklessly furnishing alcoholic beverages to minors, a class B misdemeanor, againstKameron Long, 21, and illegal possession, a class C misdemeanor, against Anthony Robison, 20.

According to probable cause affidavits written by Indiana State Excise Police Officer Brad Lutes, the officer was on regular patrol in Linton on March 27 when he saw the two drive into the store's parking lot in separate vehicles. Long is accused of accepting money fromRobison, then going into the store and purchasing a six pack of Bud Light Lime beer.

When Long came out of the store, he allegedly got into his vehicle and the two vehicles left the lot and drove to a residence.

In the driveway of the residence, they both exited their vehicles, Long handed the six pack to Robison, and then the excise officer came strolling up, identified himself and displayed his badge.

Neither were arrested but both were issued summons and released.

The alcoholic beverages were photographed then destroyed.

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  • Who was this inspector Cluseau? He strolled up? Was he wearing a monacle and swinging a cane? Was this Mr. Peanut or one of our 'fine' excise officers making this ground swelling bust? Now that we have these two off the streets they can go back to busting out of date bingo blotters and two dollar ncaa basketball pools.

    -- Posted by midnightrambler on Tue, Apr 14, 2009, at 1:06 AM
  • but still you can go to Iraq and kill people at 18 but can't drink a beer. I still say they should either lower the drinking age from 21 to 18 or make 21 the age to be be considered a legal adult including joining the military.

    -- Posted by citizen474 on Tue, Apr 14, 2009, at 2:10 PM
  • it is funny how they were on private property and the 21yr old can and did buy the beer for himself and the officer still made him dump it out. and the 21 yr old only handed the beer to the 20 yr old only so he could get out of the car and see who pull in behind him.

    -- Posted by justsoyouknow on Wed, Apr 15, 2009, at 2:38 PM
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