State Road 43 to be closed for road surface and pipe replacement repairs starting April 20

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Indiana Department of Transportation will be closing State Road 43 in Greene and Owen counties between State Road 54 and State Road 48 starting April 20 for a resurfacing and pipe replacement project.

The $3 million contract was awarded to Wabash Valley Asphalt of Terre Haute.

The closure will begin April 20 at 7 a.m. and will reopen to through traffic May 15 at 5 p.m.

The official detour will re-route motorists using S.R. 54, S.R. 445, S.R. 37 and S.R 48. There are seven closure points north of the intersection of S.R. 43 and S.R. 54.

Local traffic will have access to the point of closure; however, through traffic will not be allowed. Residents and businesses along the corridor will have access to their driveway at all times during construction.

Contractor's crews will be installing drainage pipe structures under S.R. 43 and patching sections of the roadway. Once those operations are complete, crews will then begin milling and paving the roadway. During the milling and paving operations, one lane will be maintained at all times by flag persons. Delays are to be expected during this time. The overall contract completion date for this project is Fall 2009, according to INDOT spokesperson Cher Goodwin.

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  • Does anyone know where the seven points of closure will be once construction begins?

    -- Posted by EO on Tue, Apr 14, 2009, at 8:06 AM
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