Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's not so bad being

an 'old geezer'

To the Editor:

Not long ago, I heard myself be referred to as an old "geezer." My first impulse was to be offended. After analyzing the term, I came away with a fresh point of view. One can view such a remark as insulting if one thinks negatively. Apply a positive spin and the result is very flattering and uplifting. I won't dwell on negative thoughts.

The founding fathers of our country were old geezers. The inventors of our modern conveniences were old geezers. Thomas Edison was an old geezer. His inventions were the beginning of the industrial revolution, which raised this into a nation of world power. Electric power, when harnessed was the driving force of our prosperity. It still is. Edison's inventions spawned an army of engineers and technicians, which developed our nation's social structure. Manufacturers, educators, financiers, and politicians, which shaped our society were mostly "old geezers."

The "old geezers" of today also were part of the mightiest military machine in the history of the world. They, by the voluntary sacrifice they gave themselves, blood sweat and tears, wholehearted in defense of their loved ones and their homeland. You can see them everywhere, at the stores, at churches, in our parks, and downtown you can see them everywhere. Some of these "old geezers" are your fathers, grandfathers, or other relatives and neighbors.

When you see an "old geezer," please apply a positive slant to your view. Consider the fact that these are the builders, providers, teachers, and the taxpayers, that created the world you and I live in. Each generation has contributed something so that you can be better housed, better fed and better educated than they were. When you see an "old geezer," salute him, and give him the respect he has earned!

Thanks for listening.

Robert M. Weyer
